HUGE Pro-Life Flashmob Prepares For Upcoming "Marcha por la Vida" in Peru

Marcha por la Vida, YouTube

The pro-life movement is young and growing around the world!

The big March for Life in Washington D.C. every January might be the original, but other pro-life marches have been popping up around the world as the pro-life movement spreads. And one of the biggest – maybe even bigger than the one in D.C. – is in Lima, Peru!

Called the “Marcha por la Vida,” the next big march in Lima is just a few weeks away on March 25th, the feast of the Annunciation. And the organizers have already been building excitement with some great videos, including a video of a huge pro-life flashmob in the center of Lima.

The video has everything we’ve been seeing in the pro-life movement in the last few year: a positive message, lots of energy, and tons of young faces!

Here’s the pro-life flashmob:

And here’s a video showing the amazing Marcha por la Vida in 2016:

You can learn more about the Marcha por la Vida on their website and can follow them on Facebook.

Pray for an end to abortion!

[See also: The Best Signs Spotted at the March for Life 2017!]

[See also: Thousands March for Life in Berlin! (Pics & Video Inside)]

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