Here’s Your Scriptural Guide to Motor Vehicles in the Bible, With Undeniable Proof

Here’s Your Scriptural Guide to Motor Vehicles in the Bible, With Undeniable Proof
@mattswaim, Twitter / Ben White, Unsplash

This is epic!

EWTN Son Rise Morning Show host and Journey Home producer Matt Swaim posted an incredible Twitter thread “proving” which motorized vehicles are in the Scriptures.

The hilarious thread explains that the Holy Spirit mentions at least 17 vehicles in the Bible. 

Here’s his “proof” below: 😂

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim’s first tweet reads, “The Biblical scholars among you likely already know this, but there are multiple references to motorized vehicles in the Scriptures. Some are obvious; others are more subtle.”

Swaim then posts various motor vehicles, connecting all of them to the Holy Scriptures.

@mattswaim, Twitter

“For example,” Swaim writes along with a photo of a Honda Accord, “Most people are aware that on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were all in one Accord.”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim continues with a photo of a Fiat, saying, “And of course there’s Mary’s Fiat.”

@mattswaim, Twitter

In his fourth tweet depicting a Triumph Motorcycle, Swaim writes, “Meanwhile, some will recall that the sound of Joshua’s Triumph was heard throughout the land. But that’s not the end of it.”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Along with a photo of an AMC Hornet, Swaim’s next tweet reads, “For instance, God also told Joshua that he sent the Hornet before him when he took on the Amorites. (Jos 24:12)”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim writes in a fifth tweet alongside a Plymouth Fury, “We’re also told that God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury.”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Alongside a Nissan Leaf, Swaim writes, “Noah sent the dove out from the ark, and it came back with a Leaf. (Gen 8:11)”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim’s next tweet reads, “And don’t forget that God spoke to Job out of a Storm.” This tweet is accompanied by a photo of a yellow Geo Storm.

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swiam’s next tweet describes an excerpt from the end of the Book of Genesis, where “we read that Jacob’s sons took a Journey to visit Joseph in Egypt.” This tweet depicts a Dodge Journey.

@mattswaim, Twitter

Alongside a photo of a Dodge Ram, the radio host tweets, “It’s pretty well-known that Aaron frequently took a Ram to the Tent of Meeting.”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim features a 1954 Studebaker Champion, explaining that “In I Sam 17, the Philistines had to flee on foot after their Champion died.”

@mattswaim, Twitter

His next tweet features an Indian Scout Motorcycle. Swaim explains, “And it’s well documented that in Numbers 13, Moses sent out a bunch of Scouts to check out Canaan.

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim also adds a Dodge Caravan, explaining that “The Queen of Sheba was seen taking a Caravan to visit Solomon. (I Kings 10:2)”


@mattswaim, Twitter

With a photo of a Kia Soul, the producer writes, “Remarking on trade-in value, Jesus asked the crowds what someone could give in exchange for a Soul.”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim then posts a Hyundai Accent, explaining that “In Matthew 26, Peter drew some attention from the crowds on account of his Accent.

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim then writes, “And thankfully it turned out okay, but Paul was struck by a Viper on the Island of Malta. (Acts 28)” This tweet features a Dodge Viper.

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim then explains, alongside a Jeep Liberty, that “Paul wanted to make sure that the Corinthians didn’t let their Liberty become a stumbling block to the weak. (I Cor 8:9)”

@mattswaim, Twitter

Swaim’s final tweet features a Dodge Charger, explaining that “it’s worth remembering that that in Mark 6, Herod demanded the head of John the Baptist in a Charger.”

What did you think of Matt Swaim’s guide to motor vehicles in the Scriptures?

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