St. Mother Teresa Had Quite a Unique Business Card!
Mother Teresa was just canonized a saint this last Sunday! Since she only died in 1997, lots of people have been able to mark the occasion by sharing stories of their personal interactions with her.
One neat tidbit that stood out was shared on Twitter by Raymond Arroyo, author and host of The World Over on EWTN.
Here’s what Arroyo shared on Twitter:
The tweet reads: “This is the business card #MotherTeresa gave me in 1995. She was one of a kind–and we knew she was a saint then.”
Attached is a picture of a business card that reads: “The fruit of Silence is Prayer / The fruit of Prayer is Faith / The fruit of Faith is Love / The fruit of Love is Service / Mother Teresa”.
Talk about an interesting business card! And yet it seems fitting for who St. Mother Teresa was.
St. Mother Teresa, please pray for us!
[See also: “A Big Discovery”: Mother Teresa’s Secret Mystical Visions of Jesus]
[See also: She Healed Me: The Incredible Miracle That’s Getting Mother Teresa Canonized]