Here's a Video of the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016!

Here's a Video of the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016!
Lori Fowlkes, YouTube

As you may have heard, a Catholic pro-life student group going home after the March for Life got stuck on the highway.

With tons of time and not much to do, they did something incredible: they build an altar out of snow and had Mass on the side of the highway!

Here’s a video of this incredible event:

More coverage of the Turnpike Mass:

–> Student Who Built Turnpike Mass Altar Reports Possible Eucharist Miracle

–> The Inside Story on the Turnpike Mass, From the Priest Who Led It

–> The Best Photos of the Historic Turnpike Mass of 2016!

–> Watch Worshippers Receive Communion at the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016

–> Watch Pro-Lifers Pray “Our Father” As Snow Falls in the Turnpike Mass