"God Is Never a Trend": Lady Gaga Responds to Catholic-Link Article on Instagram

UPDATE: Catholic-Link to Lady Gaga: Our Article “Was Not Aimed at Judging You”
Lady Gaga posted a response on Instagram to a recent Catholic-Link article that mentioned her.
The Catholic-Link article is written by Becky Roach and is titled “From Lady Gaga to Steph Curry: 5 Things To Remember When Celebrities Share Their Faith.” Roach points to a few celebrities who have spoken publicly about their Christian faith recently (including Lady Gaga) and encourages her readers to pray for them and remember that they are imperfect just like everyone else.
Lady Gaga posted a screenshot of part of the article that read:
“So, what is a Catholic to do with all these situations? Many celebrities are sharing Bible verses, quoting priests, and singing Christian music while at the same time still leading a typical Hollywood lifestyle void of Christian values such as modesty and purity. There are some, like Steph Curry, that appear to make faith more than just a Tweet or FB status. You can find a list of Catholic celebrities here.”
And here is what Lady Gaga said in response:
“Dear, Becky Roach
“Mary Magdalene washed the feet of Christ and was protected and loved by him. A prostitute. Someone society shames as if she and her body are a man’s trash can. He loved her and did not judge. He let her cry over him and dry his feet with the hair of a harlot. We are not just “celebrities” we are humans and sinners, children, and our lives are not void of values because we struggle. We are as equally forgiven as our neighbor. God is never a trend no matter who the believer.”
Here is Lady Gaga’s Instagram post:
What do you think of their exchange? Let us know in the comments!
UPDATE: Catholic-Link to Lady Gaga: Our Article “Was Not Aimed at Judging You”
[See also: Lady Gaga Thanks Priest for “Beautiful Homily” About the Eucharist on Facebook]
[See also: NBA MVP Steph Curry Isn’t Afraid to Talk About His Lord Jesus Christ]