"Gloria Laus": This Ancient Palm Sunday Chant Will Transport You to Heaven!

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“The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy,” the Second Vatican Council teaches, “therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services.” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 116)

Palm Sunday is just around the corner! As the beginning of Holy Week, it kicks off the most important week in the liturgical year.

Like most important feasts, there is a great deal of music written for it. One of the most beautiful is the ancient chant Gloria Laus.

You can listen to this heavenly piece of music here (words are below the video):

The words in Latin:

Gloria, laus et honor tibi sit, Rex Christe Redemptor: Cui puerile decus prompsit Hosanna pium.

Israel es tu Rex, Davidis et inclyta proles: Nomine qui in Domini, Rex benedicte, venis.

Plebs Hebraea tibi cum palmis obvia venit: Cum prece, voto, hymnis, adsumus ecce tibi. With palms the Jews went forth to meet Thee.

The words in English:

Glory, praise and honor to Thee, O King Christ, the Redeemer: to whom children poured their glad and sweet hosanna’s song.

Hail, King of Israel! David’s Son of royal fame! Who comes in the Name of the Lord, O Blessed King.

With palms the Jews went forth to meet Thee. We greet Thee now with prayers and hymns.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

[See also: 18 Amazing Things Woven Out of Palm Sunday Palms]

[See also: How to Make a Cross Out of Your Palm in 6 Easy Steps]

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