Father David Michael Moses, a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and popular on social media for sharing his spiritual journey, took to Instagram to share a heartfelt and emotional story with his followers. 

In the caption, Father David Michael Moses stated:  

“I share a lot of fun things on social media, but sometimes real life hits, too. My younger brother just had his first baby, Bobby. Due to some unforeseen health complications, he was immediately taken to the NICU. 
For the first few days, he was the most at-risk baby in the hospital, so when I came to visit, we made the decision to go ahead and do his Baptism. With so much uncertainty about his little body, there was comfort knowing there was certainty about his little soul. He was adopted into God’s family- a real moment of joy in the midst of a dark valley. 
His parents have been heroes through all of this, and the doctors say Bobby’s progress has been 'remarkable.' They’re hopeful he can go home soon. God is good. 
We appreciate any prayers for baby Bobby, and if you’re going through a dark time, don’t lose hope. We have a Father in Heaven who works all things for good.” 

This story is a beautiful testament to the power of hope and trust in God during challenging times. It is a reminder that in moments of uncertainty, the presence of God and family can provide comfort and peace. 

Here's Father David Michael Moses' post below:

Reflecting on this story, we are reminded of the deep significance of infant baptism and the role of parents in nurturing their children’s spiritual well-being. 

Baptism is a sacrament of initiation that allows one to enter the body of the Catholic Church as a child of God. Through the form (“I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”) and the matter (the water), the child enters this covenant relationship.

Baptism is a necessary and efficacious sacrament that is important for salvation. It is not merely a symbolic act but a vital declaration of faith through the parents to the child and a wonderful acceptance of God’s grace. 

Infant baptism is necessary as this sacrament is essential for salvation and the cleansing of Original Sin. Parents are responsible for professing their child's faith and claiming and accepting this gift of forgiveness and initiation into the Church.

Because they are their children's primary educators and protectors, it is prudent for parents to recognize the great importance of this sacrament and allow their children to receive all the graces necessary for spiritual growth. 

Father Michael Moses' story is a profound and vulnerable testament to the importance of the sacrament of infant baptism and trust in God to make all things new. 

We offer continued prayers for baby Bobby and encourage everyone to find strength through God and family as they face life’s challenges. 

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