This is why Catholic witness is so important 🙌

In this episode of "The Catholic Gentleman," John Heinen and Devin Schadt discuss the controversial anti-Catholic comments made by Joe Rogan on “The Joe Rogan Experience” – the world’s most popular podcast. 

Here are three falsehoods they expose while sharing the truth about the Catholic faith!

1) Myth: Priestly celibacy is a source of corruption.

Truth: Celibacy is a profound witness to the Kingdom of God.

Priestly celibacy is rooted in the Church’s understanding of Christ’s divine mission. St. Paul even called it a radical way to live for the Lord without distraction.

Far from corruption, celibacy calls priests to give their entire lives to Christ and His Church. Scandals happen when people fail to live their vocation fully, not because of celibacy itself, Schadt explains.

"It is proven—and this is statistically per capita—Catholic priests do not have a higher incidence of these issues than do married clergymen."

2) Myth: Catholicism is a “cult.”

Truth: Catholicism is founded on divine truth.

Catholicism was founded by Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, not a fallible human. Unlike a cult, Catholicism does not demand secrecy or blind allegiance. Instead, it makes its intellectual, spiritual, and sacramental treasures universally available to all.

“If Catholicism is a cult, then what about all the martyrs? Why did so many people and centuries across die for it?” Heinen asks.

3) Myth: The Church hoards and misuses “wealth.” 

Truth: The Church uses its treasures to serve humanity and glorify God.

The Church is the world’s largest charitable organization, feeding millions, providing healthcare, and educating the poor. Its cathedrals, art, and other artifacts are a testament to the effort of countless faithful.

“Because people couldn’t read and write, the community got together and hired artists that would depict a scenario to teach the people the Bible,” Schadt explains.

The gentlemen say that by genuinely seeking truth, we can discover the Church’s beauty!

Watch this episode of "The Catholic Gentleman" below 👇

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"Beauty is indeed a good gift of God" - Saint Augustine 🙏
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