This is exciting!
EWTN’s Fr. John Paul Mary of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word recently spoke with ChurchPOP Editor Jacqueline Burkepile about the upcoming virtual Catholic Family Conference scheduled for May 1-2. He is a keynote speaker for the free LIVE event.
“We thought this was a unique opportunity for a virtual conference where our viewers don’t have to go anywhere,” Fr. John Paul Mary explained. “It’s a good opportunity for them to be encouraged because a lot of people are discouraged.
Fr. John Paul Mary’s talk will focus on hope.
In addition to Fr. John Paul Mary, other conference speakers include Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, Catholic Theologian Scott Hahn, Live Action founder Lila Rose, Catholic anti-porn speaker Matt Fradd, and many more.
“Maybe some of our viewers/listeners have lost their jobs. Over 26 million Americans have lost jobs over the last month. So we just want to give a message of hope and bring together families.”
“What makes this conference any different from the other ones? I would say family.” the priest added. “Every talk will be geared toward building one another up in what it means to be a domestic church–a member of the universal Church.”
“I think this conference can help people in so many ways. It can help bring families together. Many families today can be disjointed and they can live within their house and be under one roof, but not be united. The one thing is to bring the spouses and their children together.”
“We all need to be built up,” he continued. “Hopefully this conference will be a chance to pray together and learn together.”
Listen to Fr. John Paul Mary’s full interview below:
Click here if you cannot see the video above.Click here to register for the virtual Catholic Family Conference.
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[See also: Scott Hahn Offers Divine Hope For COVID Pandemic: “Hold Up The Light of the Body of Christ”]