Eucharistic Host Found Perfectly Intact After Madrid Explosion, Tabernacle Destroyed

Reuters Pictures, Twitter / Aleluya, screenshot / ChurchPOP

This is miraculous! Jesus is really and truly present in the Holy Eucharist!

On January 20,  a gas explosion destroyed a parish building at the Virgen de la Paloma Parish in Madrid, Spain. One newly-ordained priest died from injuries.

However, amidst all the destruction, a consecrated Eucharistic host was found completely intact!

The Spanish News outlet Aleluya reported that the Eucharist was found undamaged after the explosion inside a small golden monstrance. The tabernacle was completely destroyed.

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Here’s a photo of the building:

@chefjoseandres, Twitter

Reuters Pictures, Twitter

“The tabernacle is from the chapel on the sixth floor, that is, adjacent to the parish priest’s house, where the priests on the fifth floor also went up,”  A Virgen de la Paloma parish spokesperson said.

The Archdiocese of Madrid confirmed that “indeed, the broken tabernacle is [now] in the Archdiocese, and the Sacred Form is in the tabernacle at the Cathedral of Santa María la Real de la Almudena “

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Here’s a photo of the untouched consecrated host:

Aleluya, screenshot

My God, I love thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

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