End Crisis & Division: A Powerful Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows for the United States

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We need to pray for our country!

Throughout the last several years, the United States has experienced an increase in violence, poverty, division, and death.

The Catholic Church teaches that every life is precious and deserves dignity. During this month of Our Lady of Sorrows, let us pray the novena below for peace in our country and for the dignity and respect of all human life, from conception until natural death.

Our Lady of Sorrows is a very powerful and loving intercessor. Many graces are attached to her devotion. Click this link to learn more.

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows for Peace

Most holy and afflicted Virgin, Queen of Martyrs, you stood beneath the cross, witnessing the agony of your dying Son.

Look with a mother’s tenderness and pity on us, as we kneel before you. We venerate your sorrows and place our request with dutiful confidence in the sanctuary of your wounded heart.

Present them, we beseech you, on our behalf to Jesus Christ, through the merits of His own most Sacred Passion and Death, together with your sufferings at the foot of the cross.

Through the united efficacy of both, obtain the granting of our petition.

To whom shall we have recourse in our wants and miseries, if not to you, Mother of Mercy? You have drunk so deeply of the chalice of your Son. You can with compassion receive our sorrows.

Holy Mary, your soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow at the sight of the Passion of your divine Son. Intercede for us and obtain from Jesus these petitions if they be for His honor and glory and for our good and the good of our nation.

For an end to all discrimination in our society,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

For peace in our country,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

For the protection of all human life, from conception until natural death,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

That the souls of the departed rest in the eternal peace of your Crucified Son, Jesus Christ,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

That we may see each person as Christ sees us–made in His image and likeness,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

That the families of those who have lost a loved one may know the comfort of Christ’s constant love,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

For our president, governors, elected officials, law enforcement officers, and all public figures, that they may encourage and promulgate peace in a divided society,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

For an end to all violence and civil unrest,

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.

That we may love one another as Christ loves us, even when we may disagree.

Our Lady of Sorrows, hear us.


Prayer Source: EWTN / ChurchPOP

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