Don't Have Time for Prayer? Here's Pope Francis' Secret for Adding it to Your Day
Many times work responsibilities, studies, or other daily worries take away the possibility of stopping even for a few minutes to pray.
Oftentimes, it's only at night before we rest do we dedicate prayer time to deepen our relationship with God.
If you are one of those people, Pope Francis has a secret that can help you be in the presence of God throughout the day: aspirations.
"If you don’t have much time to pray, there is a wise spiritual practice that can help you," the Holy Father tweeted. "Often throughout the day, you can repeat very short prayers, so-called aspirations, to remain 'in harmony' with the Lord."
Here's Pope Francis' tweet below:
If you don’t have much time to pray, there is a wise spiritual practice that can help you. Often throughout the day, you can repeat very short prayers, so-called aspirations, to remain “in harmony” with the Lord.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) May 5, 2023
Don't have time to pray? Pope Francis shares a secret that can help you
In his work "Introduction to the Devout Life," St. Francis de Sales advises a simple way to practice aspirations.
"Sundry collections of ejaculatory prayer [aspirations] have been put forth, which are doubtless very useful, but I should advise you not to tie yourself to any formal words, but rather to speak with heart or mouth whatever springs forth from the love within you, which is sure to supply you with all abundance." (Chap. XIII).
This saint offers some principles or provisions that can help you prepare your heart to be in the presence of God throughout the day:
"...aspire continually to God, by brief, ardent upliftings of heart; praise His Excellence, invoke His Aid, cast yourself in spirit at the Foot of His Cross, adore His Goodness, offer your whole soul a thousand times a day to Him, fix your inward gaze upon Him, stretch out your hands to be led by Him, as a little child to its father, clasp Him to your breast as a fragrant [bouquet] upraise Him in your soul as a standard. In short, kindle by every possible act your love for God, your tender, passionate desire for the Heavenly Bridegroom of souls." (Chap. XIII)
Here are some aspirations for your prayer life:
My Lord and my God!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be the Holy Name of him!
My Jesus, mercy!
Lord, be everything for me, in time and in eternity!
May your face shine upon us, oh Lord!
Hear me when I cry, O God of justice!
Praise the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me bless his Holy Name!
Lord, deliver me from evil!
Lord, cleanse me of my sins!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner!
Lord, send your light and your truth!
Lord, guide my feet in your ways!
Lord, Open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise!
Oh Lord, You have words of eternal life!