"Don't Be Afraid of Confession...Feelings Don't Determine Forgiveness," Parish Priest Encourages

This is such great advice for all Catholics!
Fr. Goyo Hidalgo, an associate pastor at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Simi Valley, Cali., posted some excellent advice for Catholics experiencing such terrible guilt that they feel it necessary to repeatedly confess the same sins.
Here’s his post below:

His tweet reads, “Father, after confession I still felt bad so I am going to confess the same thing until I feel better.” / Sometimes you’ll feel amazing, sometimes you might not & that’s ok. Feelings don’t determine if forgiveness ‘took place’ or not. Don’t let your feelings ‘bully” you.'”
After posting the above tweet, Fr. Goyo posted another tweet asking his followers to go to confession for his birthday.
Check out the tweet below:

His tweet reads the following:
“So it’s my birthday. What do I want you ask? consider being kind today,
– to someone who suffers
– to someone who’s alone
– to someone who’s “your enemy”
– to someone you love
– to someone who’s sick
– to someone who isn’t popular
Oh & try going to confession
Fr. Goyo later revealed that a man actually approached him for confession after seeing his tweet! Praise God!
See the story below:
His tweet reads, “Someone at Jersey Mike’s: ‘Fr. Happy birthday. I read your tweet & I haven’t been to confession in a loooooong time. I’d like to go. When are U free?’ / ME: hmmm *scrolling through my calendar* ‘Well…. look at that. I am free NOW.’ / BEST BTH PRESENT! Don’t be afraid of confession.”
Here’s how some people responded:
This user’s post reads, “I honored your birthday wish and went to confession. 🎂🥳”
Fr. Goyo responded, “Yayyyyyyy”.
This user said, “This proves what I have said for a long time. Good priests need to be out in public so the world can approach them.”
This user also responded, “Went to confession this morning @FrGoyo!”
Happy Birthday once again! You are gift to us 💝. Enjoy your day. And thank you for encouraging us to go to confession. I went today. And all I can say is thank God for priests. Thank you Father. pic.twitter.com/VrkVI8YlmQ
— Alondra Jiménez (@alondra_here) February 24, 2019
Click here if you cannot see the tweet above.
This user added, “Happy Birthday once again! You are gift to us 💝. Enjoy your day. And thank you for encouraging us to go to confession. I went today. And all I can say is thank God for priests. Thank you Father.”
Wow! What a blessing! Let us thank God for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and for our priests!
As Fr. Goyo says, “Don’t be afraid of Confession”!
[See also: Celebrating After Confession? Why This Little Girl Thinks It’s Appropriate in Precious Story]
[See also: 5 Myths About Confession that Too Many People Still Believe (Maybe Even You!)]