Did the Eucharist Travel Through Kyiv Streets Amid War? The Truth About the Viral Video

Did the Eucharist Travel Through Kyiv Streets Amid War? The Truth About the Viral Video
Olga 1978, YouTube

Did the Eucharist really travel through Kyiv, Ukraine during the Russian invasion?

Twitter user and permanent Catholic deacon Krzysztof Wasilewski posted a video of what he said is Blessed Sacrament traveling through the streets of Kyiv, Ukraine.

It depicts a line of three vehicles driving through Ukrainian streets while hundreds of people kneel as they pass by.

Irish journalist Michael Kelly also published the video, saying it occurred “ahead of the expected Russian onslaught.”

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As of this writing, the video generated more than 375,000 views.

Here’s the video below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

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The tweet reads, “The Blessed Sacrament was transferred from the cathedral in Kyiv today for safe-keeping ahead of the expected Russian onslaught. Catholics knelt in reverence as the poignant procession passed. #UkraineUnderAttaсk.”

However, the post is misleading.

YouTube user Olga 1978 posted the original 8-minute video in 2015. The video entitled, “Look, Russian brothers, how Ukrainians meet the cyborg hero,” includes a funeral procession, along with several men carrying a coffin to a graveside.

“This is not a procession with the Holy Gifts. It carries the body of slain soldiers who defended the homeland,” an anonymous Ukrainian journalist told CNA.

“The video features a song that Ukrainians sing when they say goodbye to folk heroes.”

Here’s the full video below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Deacon Wasilewski told CNA that some “fellow Catholic deacons” sent the video and descriptions “in an online faith forum.”

However, while the video wasn’t what he thought it was, the deacon said “the most important thing” “is to pray for Ukraine.”

Please pray for Ukraine! 🙏🇺🇦🙏

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[See also: Our Lady’s Alleged Ukrainian Apparitions: Her Little-Known 20th C. Prophesies]