Demonic Possession Should Be Handled by Trained Exorcist, Not Confessor, Says Bishop

The regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Bishop Gianfranco Girotti, said that when a person believes he is dealing with a case of diabolical possession, it should be handled by an exorcist instead of a confessor.
During a seminar the bishop said that in cases of visions, “diabolical, mystic and supposedly supernatural phenomenon,” the “confessor should be particularly prudent and experienced.” However, he recommended “the intervention of an exorcist” as these are “complex and delicate cases.”
Demonic phenomena include “possession, obsession and vexation,” and he said in cases of “mysticism, hysteria and other syndromes,” experts should be consulted.
Likewise, Bishop Girotti spoke of the crisis of the sacrament of reconciliation and noted that according to recent statistics, 30% of the faithful in Italy do not see the need for confession and 20% find talking about their sins with others difficult.