On his knees before the Blessed Sacrament, Matheus Mendes proposed to Laura Maria Arges. The beautiful scene was captured in a video and went viral on social media.

Arges shared the beautiful surprise her boyfriend organized for her.

“The most anticipated order arrived… My reaction in the video proves how lost I was 😂,” she said.

In the recording, both young people enter the chapel decorated for the occasion, with candles and rose petals.

While the sound of the violin accompanies them, Matheus takes Laura to the first pew, where he gives her a flower bouquet. Kneeling in front of the tabernacle, he shows her the ring.

After a few words and Laura's long-awaited "Yes," the couple's family and friends enter the chapel to congratulate the newly engaged couple.

The celebration continued at a pizzeria, where everyone gathered to celebrate this long-awaited moment.

These were Laura's words when sharing this beautiful moment:

“I’m still processing everything that happened that night. It was a real surprise to me (I’m always suspicious and I find out everything, and this time it didn’t even cross my mind).
Everything was so beautiful. The music, the proposal in the chapel, the roses, my family coming in, my friends at the pizzeria... it couldn't have been more special.
That night, I dreamed that we got engaged, and I asked him jokingly: 'Honey, it's not going to be today, is it? I look really ugly 😂'...
And when we were going to the car to go out to dinner after Mass, I heard a violin playing in the chapel... we walked in, and suddenly I found all this! 🥹
My love, a thousand times yes! Always with you! I promise to make you the happiest person.”

The video generated over two million views and more than 162,000 likes. Users have filled the post with congratulations for the young couple for having God at the center of their relationship.

“In front of the tabernacle...without a doubt, the most beautiful proposal I have ever seen,” one user said.

“How beautiful! I was moved!" another user commented. "May Jesus take care of you and renew you daily with new and greater portions of love, patience, and complicity! Be very happy!”

“My proposal went exactly like this… on 12/7/2015… Six months after the proposal, I was married and today we have three beautiful daughters as a result of that decision. Ladies: don’t accept anything less than this!” another user suggested.

“Congratulations to the couple," someone else wrote. "Matheus, rest assured that your family is very proud of the man you have become.”

Let us pray for all those discerning the vocation of marriage!

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