Celebrating After Confession? Why This Little Girl Thinks It's Appropriate in Precious Story

Celebrating After Confession? Why This Little Girl Thinks It's Appropriate in Precious Story
@frgoyo, Twitter / Pexels, Public Domain

This is so sweet! And true!

Fr. Goyo Hidalgo, an associate pastor for St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Simi Valley, Cali., posted an awesome story about a little girl clapping outside the confessional.

While clapping in church is not usually appropriate, this little girl felt she had a good reason to do so!

Check out Fr. Goyo’s story below:

@frgoyo, Twitter

The text reads, “During confessions, every time someone went out, I heard a girl clapping.

“At the end, her mom came to apologize, ‘I’m so sorry. I explained to my daughter that confession makes us friends with God again, and she just wanted to cheer for everyone.’

“We need her in every parish!!!”

How precious!

Here’s what people said in response to the tweet:

Click here if you cannot see Sr. Yna’s tweet.

Sr. Yna, OP, tweeted, “How cute! That little girl is pure joy embodied! Praise God! She represents all the folks in heaven who go [GIF]”

Click here if you cannot see the tweet above.

Another user responded, “Me: *walks out of confessional [GIF]*

@CatholiCalendar, Twitter

This user said, “Now that’s what I call a cheer leader! 🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️”

@theliturgylady, Twitter

This user added, “Someone in a previous parish told us when he went to Confession he left wanting to take everyone out for dinner to celebrate. Obviously we all asked when he was next planning to receive the Sacrament!”

@tmazgal, Twitter

Twitter user tmazgal also added, “Father last time I left Confession, as I was walking past the line I realized I had a big grin on my face. I wonder what the folks in line thought of that??😂”

@frgoyo, Twitter

Fr. Goyo responded, “That’s a good point. This little girl made everyone smile. They probably want to come back now lol.”

Praise God for the Sacrament of Reconciliation! 🙌

[See also: 5 Beautiful Reasons to Love the Miraculous Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes]

[See also: 5 Myths About Confession that Too Many People Still Believe (Maybe Even You!)]