Is the oldest Catholic university in America a safe haven for the unborn?
The Catholic organization TFP Student Action discovered otherwise after conducting an experiment at the Jesuit Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic university in America.
Catholic University Students Tear Down Pro-Life Signs at Georgetown University
Jon Paul Fabrizio of TFP Student Action created three signs for Georgetown's free speech area. The signs said, "Abortion is a sin," Real Catholics oppose abortion," and "Abortion is not healthcare."

TFP Student Action taped each sign on the Red Square Free Speech Wall at Georgetown. However, a student ripped the signs off the wall.
“I am sad to report that all of my pro-life signs were torn down,” Fabrizio said. “I placed the signs on the designated free speech wall at Georgetown University, but every time I put them up, someone rudely tore them down. As a result, all of my signs have been destroyed.”
"You would expect a straightforward Catholic message to be accepted on a Catholic campus. But, regrettably, the truth is no longer welcome," Fabrizio added.
“Unfortunately, the culture of death has infiltrated even Catholic institutions. But the truth still stands: Being Catholic and pro-abortion is impossible," he said. “Abortion is a grave sin against God because it kills an innocent human person.”
Watch the video below:
Fabrizio and other TFP Student Action members previously conducted the same experiment at Georgetown with signs about the sanctity of marriage. However, students also ripped these signs off the free speech wall.
As of this writing, the video above generated almost 4,000 views and 100 comments.
Here's how some people responded:
One user said, "Fight the good [fight], the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. God have mercy."
"They should have security cameras on this wall and anyone who tampers with anything on it should get some sort of punishment," someone else said. "God will prevail because HIS WILL BE DONE. And the evil will be defeated."
Another person added, "Not only is Georgetown not a safe haven for Catholic doctrine, it's not even a safe haven for free speech. The university does not respect free speech when students are allowed to infringe on others' right to free speech without punishment."
Let us pray for the conversion of abortion supporters! 🙏