Catholic Super Bowl Champion in Powerful Pro-Life Interview: "It's Insane Abortion is Legal"

Catholic Super Bowl Champion in Powerful Pro-Life Interview: "It's Insane Abortion is Legal"
Kansas City Chiefs, Facebook

This is so moving!

Kansas City Chiefs 2020 Super Bowl champion Dustin Colquitt spoke with pro-life organization Live Action about his position on abortion.

The Catholic husband and father of five children explains why he believes “it’s insane” that “abortion is legal.” He tells Live Action why he “fears what is currently happening” in Kansas.

“Previously, we’d made lots of progress to protect our women and our children–specifically our children in the womb. As a father of five children myself, I think it’s insane that killing babies through abortion is legal at all.

“Here in Kansas, we were able to drop the annual number of abortions by 44 percent in the last 20 years.

We stopped forcing our citizens to fund the abortion industry with our tax dollars and insurance plans. We stopped abortions past 22 weeks when babies can be born and survive outside of the mother’s womb.

“And five years ago, we became the first state to ban brutal second trimester dismemberment abortions.”

“But last year, the State Supreme Court decided for the first time in 160 years that there’s a fundamental right to abortion. And even though they completely invented this, it is a decision that threatens all of our progress in protecting the pre-born.”

He adds that this state decision could hurt women indefinitely, even if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade.

“It horrifies me to think that one day, the abortion industry can prey upon my daughter and commit an abortion on her without me even knowing about it.”

“I’m raising my voice on behalf of the voiceless, and I invite you to do the same.”

Here’s the full video below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Pray for an end to abortion! 🙏🙏🙏

Our Lady of Guadalupe, please pray for and protect the unborn! 👶👶👶

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