Catholic-Link to Lady Gaga: Our Article "Was Not Aimed at Judging You"

An online conversation between Lady Gaga and the website Catholic-Link continues.
“Your screen shot was a one part of the article which was not aimed at judging you,” Catholic-Link wrote on Instagram to Lady Gaga, “rather it was an effort to help Catholics to have a balanced and positive view of these kind of sharings.”
Catholic-Link’s message was in response to an Instagram message from Lady Gaga, which itself was in response to a Catholic-Link article that mentioned Lady Gaga and her recent Facebook post about the Eucharist.
“It was an invitation,” the Catholic-Link Instagram post continues,
“to value the hunger of God that exists in the world of the famous. It was a reminder to not forget that they, like us, are fragile and that we should not judge, rather pray for them. This said, what you wrote is absolutely beautiful. It is one of the most touching comments we have ever read. Know that we will be praying that experience of God’s mercy continue to grow and bear fruits for you, for the people that you love, and all of your followers.”
Earlier this week, Lady Gaga posted on Facebook a picture of her standing with a priest, along with a message thanking him “for a beautiful homily as always” in which he taught that “the Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food that God gives us.”
Soon after, Catholic-Link published an article titled “From Lady Gaga to Steph Curry: 5 Things To Remember When Celebrities Share Their Faith” that mentioned how Lady Gaga and a few other celebrities have recently posted about their Christian faith and recommended that Christians pray for them and remember that they are imperfect just like everyone else.
Lady Gaga then posted a screenshot of part of the Catholic-Link article on her Instagram account along with a message invoking Christ’s love toward prostitutes:
“Mary Magdalene washed the feet of Christ and was protected and loved by him. A prostitute. Someone society shames as if she and her body are a man’s trash can. He loved her and did not judge. He let her cry over him and dry his feet with the hair of a harlot. We are not just “celebrities” we are humans and sinners, children, and our lives are not void of values because we struggle. We are as equally forgiven as our neighbor. God is never a trend no matter who the believer.”
Here is Catholic-Link’s post on Instagram in response to Lady Gaga:
What do you think of their conversation? Let us know in the comments!
UPDATE: Catholic-Link posts longer response as an article: “Why did Lady Gaga Reply to Catholic-Link on Instagram? Our Response.“
[See also: Lady Gaga Thanks Priest for “Beautiful Homily” About the Eucharist on Facebook]
[See also: NBA MVP Steph Curry Isn’t Afraid to Talk About His Lord Jesus Christ]