Jim Caviezel: We Endured Martyrdom for Making "Sound of Freedom"
"We had to go through a martyrdom."
"We had to go through a martyrdom."
"I am happy to return to Lourdes after so many years to give thanks, through the gift I received from heaven, for all that is extraordinary that has been given to me, and to thank the Virgin Mary..."
"Without the priest, there are no sacraments; there's no experience of the Church for the soldiers."
Can the wisdom from ancient Roman history help us spiritually today?
Catholic Hollywood director Thaddeus O'Sullivan recently sat down with ChurchPOP editor Jacqueline Burkepile to discuss his latest film, "The Miracle Club."
"I am grateful we're pointing a finger to what the real problem is - the lack of dignity of human life at all stages, especially with the most vulnerable in the world."