The Meaning of Palm Sunday: 5 Fascinating Facts Every Catholic Should Know
Holy Week begins on Passion Sunday, also known as Palm Sunday. This day marks the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem just days before His crucifixion.
Holy Week begins on Passion Sunday, also known as Palm Sunday. This day marks the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem just days before His crucifixion.
“There is no practice more profitable for the entire sanctification of the soul than the frequent meditation of the sufferings of Jesus Christ.” - Saint Alphonsus de Liguori
“Let us give alms because these cleanse our souls from the stains of sin." - Saint Francis of Assisi
Pregnancy and breastfeeding allow us to love like Jesus.
Even though movies and music cannot replace sacred scripture, it can be a fantastic way for many to better understand Christ’s message.
Don't know what to eat on Fridays during Lent? Here's a list of great options to incorporate into your weekly rotation!