17 of John Piper's Most Amazing Preaching Gestures
John Piper is one of the great Reformed preachers of our day. He’s inspired the faith of countless. And as anyone who has seen his preaching knows, he’s very emotive and loves to use dramatic gestures. These gifs capture some of his best moments. Most of these come...
When Church Goes Wrong: 16 Crazy Sunday Bloopers
I guess the Spirit really does blow where he wants to…. 1) Youth pastor loses control of motorcycle in church sanctuary 2) Pastor karate chops pulpit 3) Excited teen accidentally punches pastor during baptism 4) Pulpit breaks in half under pastor while he’s preaching 5) Pastor falls in coffin...
29 of Martin Luther's Most Hilariously Over-the-Top Insults
Well he certainly had a way with words. A major figure in the 16th century Protestant reformation, Martin Luther is famous among those who have read his works for being a bit – how shall we say? – colorful in his language. Here are 29 of his most over-the-top insults. [See also:...