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17 Absolutely Undeniable Apparitions of Jesus and Mary

Previously, we brought you “23 Food Apparitions Sure to Convert Any Skeptic.” Here are 17 more mind-blowing miracles that have absolutely no possible natural explanation. If your friends are on the fence about whether they believe in God or Jesus, just send them this list. Enjoy! 1) Jesus in a...

17 of Pope Francis' Sweetest Zingers

Everyone loves him, which might explain why Pope Francis can get away with some of these! [See also: 29 of Martin Luther’s Most Hilariously Over-the-Top Insults] All quotes are courtesy of the blog That the Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill. Enjoy! 1) “Fomenter of coprophagia!” Source 2) “Mr....

QUIZ: Contemporary Worship Song or Love Song?

Yes, yes, the Bible describes the relationship between Christ and the Church as a bridegroom and bride, and the Song of Songs is pretty explicit (and is traditionally interpreted as being about the relationship between Christ and the Church), but still – anyone else feel a bit awkward by this phenomenon?...

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