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Why I Joined the Catholic Church this Easter

After a radical conversion to Christ at the age of about fifteen years old, I lived as a genuinely devout Protestant, earnestly seeking after Christ in my life as best I could. Sometimes, of course, doing a miserable job. This Easter, after a long journey, I became a Catholic. My...

Are Catholics Less Devout than Protestants?

The notion that Catholics are less devout that Protestants is crazy. There, I said it. I’ve run up against this prejudice though all the time. I’m disappointed in myself to admit that I held it, earnestly, and quite recently, before I began exploring the Catholic Church—and I...

How This Protestant Came to Love the Rosary

For all good Protestants, myself included, Mary is the ultimate stumbling block on a journey into full Catholic communion. This wasn’t so for the first 1,500 years of Church history. Martin Luther one of the earliest Protestant reformers held strong and fast to Marian doctrine even doctrine, like...

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