A Priest's Powerful Plea to Parents: Catholic Schools Are Only Catholic With Your Help
"...the single most important aspect of the Catholic school is the parents."
"...the single most important aspect of the Catholic school is the parents."
Nov. 10, 11, and 12 are a trio of saints’ feast days that have long captured my attention: Saint Leo the Great, Saint Martin of Tours, and Saint Josaphat.
The entire country of Poland observes All Souls' Day in a beautiful way!
According to Catholic Church teaching, God assigns each person a guardian angel at conception.
"These women don't even see it as sacrifice. They see service. And I see the same footsteps Christ took on the Way of the Cross."
"If the King of Heaven and Earth walks into our church with the glory of salvation beaming from His hands, feet, and side, would He be proud to have such noble work proclaiming Him?"