7 Fascinating Facts About Saints Cosmas and Damian, Twin Brothers & Physicians of Christ
Among the saints and martyrs of the Early Church, few were more widely praised than the twin doctors Saints Cosmas and Damian.
Among the saints and martyrs of the Early Church, few were more widely praised than the twin doctors Saints Cosmas and Damian.
“You too can be a saint, but you need to want it with your whole heart..."
The 20th-century Italian mystic is known for many things, one of them being his extraordinary spiritual gifts.
Padre Pio had one of the most supernatural lives of any saint in modern Church history, including regular physical attacks from demonic forces.
A mystic, nun, and Doctor of the Church, Saint Hildegard of Bingen was truly a Renaissance woman of her time!
"Humility is the mother of all virtues... It is in being humble that our love becomes real, devoted, and ardent."