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The Four Sins that Cry Out to Heaven for Vengeance

The “Four Sins that Cry Out to Heaven for Vengeance” are serious sins described in Scripture as “crying out” to God for justice. 1) Murder This is based off what God said to Cain after he murdered his brother Abel: “The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’...

The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy

All of the spiritual works of mercy are ordered toward reliving spiritual suffering. 1) To instruct the ignorant 2) To counsel the doubtful 3) To admonish sinners 4) To bear wrongs patiently 5) To forgive offenses willingly 6) To comfort the afflicted 7) To pray for the living and the...

The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy

All of the corporal works of mercy are ordered toward relieving corporal suffering. The first six corporal works of mercy come from the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25.34-36: Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your...

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