3 Hilarious Bible Verses That Show God Has an Amazing Sense of Humor
Does the Bible have humor? Absolutely – it's heavenly! 😆
Does the Bible have humor? Absolutely – it's heavenly! 😆
The Greek word for Eucharist, εὐχαριστία, means “thanksgiving.”
"We therefore have relations with you that we do not have with any other religion. You are our beloved brothers and in a certain way one could say our elder brothers." - Pope Saint John Paul II
The Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel on Sept. 29.
"...the tears shed for My Passion are dear to Me; but loving with so great love My Mother Mary, the meditation of the dolors which she suffered at My death is more dear to Me."
Although the Catholic Church has never conferred this title on any person, three important figures could occupy this position.