Brave Priest Stands Up Against BLM Protesters at St. Louis Statue, Gives Epic History Lesson

@SirMarchmain, Twitter

What a brave priest! 👏👏👏

Fr. Stephen Schumacher of the Archdiocese of St. Louis defended the historic St. Louis statue in Mo. against a Black Lives Matter demolition protest.

The viral video surfaced over the weekend showing Fr. Schumacher presenting the true history behind King St. Louis IX.

“I’ve already been asked questions. I’m willing to answer them. You have to listen to the answers,” he says at the video’s beginning.

“St. Louis was a man who had authority thrust upon him. He didn’t do anything to earn it, you’re right,” he responded to a protester. “What did he do to earn it? Do you know what he did? Go down to the St. Louis Cathedral, and you’ll see some of St. Louis’ history.”

Referring to the St. Louis Cathedral, one protester responded, “Eventually we’re taking that too, by the way.”

Fr. Schumacher continued amid shouting protesters, “St. Louis was a man who willed to use his kingship to do good for his people.”

Listen to Fr. Schumacher’s full video below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

As statue protests continue, Catholics in St. Louis remain vigilant in protecting their city’s namesake.

Here’s one example below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

The video depicts a large crowd kneeling, singing, and praying on behalf of the statue’s protection.

The full tweet reads, “Biggest crowd yet. I thought it would be smaller today, but nope. Catholics are coming forth and being counted.”

King St. Louis IX, please pray for the United States!

[See also: BLM Violently Attacks Praying Catholics at St. Louis Statue Protest in Missouri, Witness Alleges]

[See also: Abp. of San Francisco Performs Exorcism at Destruction Site of St. Junípero Serra Statue (Video Inside)]

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