Blood of St. Januarius Miraculously Liquifies on Sept. 2021 Feast Day - See the Video!

Blood of St. Januarius Miraculously Liquifies on Sept. 2021 Feast Day - See the Video!, YouTube

The miracle of the blood of St. Januarius once again occurred on Sept. 19, 2021, the saint’s feast day.

Archbishop of Naples Domenico Battaglia announced the liquefaction of the saint’s blood in the Cathedral of Naples in Italy at 10:00 a.m. local time.

“The blood is liquid,” the archbishop proclaimed while holding the vial and showing it to the assembly.

Here’s the video below:

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“We thank the Lord for this gift–for this sign that is so important to our community,” he said.

“It is good for us to gather around this altar to celebrate the Eucharist of life and ask for the intercession of St. Januarius, so that we can fall ever more in love with life and with the Gospel. We don’t always succeed, because life is marked by weaknesses and fragility,” the archbishop added.

The ampoule containing the saint’s blood was taken from the Treasure Chapel of St. Januarius to the Cathedral altar.  Along the way, the blood already showed signs of liquefaction, moving and eliciting applause from the faithful.

The Cathedral of Naples kept its capacity reduced due to COVID-19 sanitary measures. About 450 people attended inside and 200 remained outside.

The blood last liquified on May 2 of this year.

The liquefaction miracle of St. Januarius’ blood typically occurs three times per year at the Cathedral of Naples in Italy: the first Saturday of May (the celebration of his relics arriving at the Cathedral) on the saint’s Sept. 19 feast, and on Dec. 16, the anniversary of Naples’ preservation from the 1631 Mount Vesuvius eruption.

St. Januarius was a third century bishop known for his bravery in defending his flock and was martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He is the patron saint of Naples, Italy.

St. Januarius, please pray for us!

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[See also: Blood of St. Januarius Miraculously Liquifies After Remaining Solid in December – See the Video!]

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