Blood of Saint Januarius Miraculously Liquifies for the Fourth Time in 2023! (Video Inside)

Il Mattino, YouTube

The blood of Saint Januarius miraculously liquified on Sat., Dec. 16, 2023 in Naples, Italy, at approximately 10.36 a.m. local time in the Royal Chapel of the Treasure of Saint Januarius (Cappella del Tesoro di San Gennaro). 

Chapel abbot Msgr. Vincenzo De Gregorio led the annual gathering. Traditional prayers began at 7:45 a.m. with thousands in attendance.

Upon removing the ampoule from its case at 9:39 a.m., the blood had not liquified. However, by 10:36 a.m., the blood liquified and the announcement was made. Attendees celebrated in applause.

Italian news source Il Mattino recorded the event below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

"There is always the risk that Saint Januarius becomes pizza and mandolin, a fetish for getting lucky. Instead, the feast of Saint Januarius is exclusively by virtue of what we celebrate: the death on the cross of Jesus," Msgr. Vincenzo De Gregorio told the congregation.

"We ask the martyr Saint Januarius that the testimony of his life, even to the point of blood, protect and encourage us."

History of the Miracle of Liquefaction 

Dec. 16 is the the anniversary of Naples’ preservation from the 1631 Mount Vesuvius volcanic eruption.

While the liquefaction potentially occurs three times per year, (the Saturday before the first Sunday of May, the saint’s Sept. 19 feast, and Dec. 16.) Dec. 16, 2023 was the fourth liquefaction miracle of the year.

On Nov. 23, 2023, the liquefaction miracle unexpectedly occurred when Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew held the ampoule containing the saint's blood. Patriarch Bartholomew is the world's spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodox Christians.

While the Church does not officially recognize the miracle, locals consider it a “good sign” for the city of Naples.

Saint Januarius was a third-century bishop known for his bravery in defending his flock and was martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He is the patron saint of Naples, Italy.

Saint Januarius, please pray for us!

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