Jacqueline Burkepile
1393 posts
Jacqueline Burkepile is the editor for the English edition of ChurchPOP. She is a journalist, a former director of campus ministry, and a wife and mother.
Caroline Perkins
211 posts
Caroline Perkins is the brand content editor at Church POP. She lives in Denver with her husband and three children. She is also the author of “ABC Get to Know the Saints with Me.”
Christina Herrera
66 posts
Christina Herrera has dedicated the last several years to political work. Christina resides in Washington, DC, with her dog, Chanel.
Harumi Suzuki
64 posts
Harumi Suzuki is the editor of the Spanish edition of ChurchPOP. She is a publicist, graphic designer, and writer. She is also the founder of Agnus Dei, a Catholic startup.
Victoria Arruda
40 posts
Victoria Arruda serves as co-editor of ChurchPOP Portuguese. She is a journalist, translator, and catechist for RCIA.
Eleonora Vescovini
29 posts
Eleonora is the editor for the Italian edition of ChurchPOP. She obtained a Master's Degree in Social and Institutional Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. She also
The Editors
1960 postsGeorge Ryan
174 postsGeorge Ryan is a journalist for uCatholic.
Brantly Millegan
75 postsBrantly Millegan is the founder of ChurchPOP.
Fr. Bill Peckman
51 postsFr. Bill Peckman is a priest in the Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri. He is the pastor Immaculate Conception Parish, St. Mary Parish, St. Patrick Parish, and Sacred Heart Parish.
Andres Jaromezuk
from Buenos Aires, Argentina ∙ 49 postsAndrés Jaromezuk is the former editor of the Spanish edition of ChurchPOP.
Bp. Robert Barron
from Winona, MN ∙ 35 postsBp. Robert Barron is the Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester (MN) and the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries.
Catholic News Agency
34 postsCatholic News Agency provides free up-to-the-minute news affecting the Universal Church, giving particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father and happenings of the Holy See.
Matthew Sewell
from Spokane, WA ∙ 24 postsMatthew lives and works in Spokane, but is excited to one day return to Montana. A Happiness Engineer by day, he could stand to read more and watch Netflix less. He hosts the Popecast podcast & blog.
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
from Greenville, SC ∙ 23 postsFr. Dwight Longenecker is a former Evangelical and Anglican priest, now Catholic priest. He blogs at Standing on My Head. Visit his website to browse his books and stay in touch.
Albert Little
from Sarnia, Ontario ∙ 20 postsAlbert Little is a Catholic convert, husband, and full-time dad. In his spare time he reads books, looks at birds through binoculars, and blogs at The Cordial Catholic.
Joseph Heschmeyer
from Kansas ∙ 20 postsJoseph Heschmeyer is an apologist for Catholic Answers. A former lawyer then former seminarian now turned author and Catholic speaker. He lives near Kansas City with his wife Anna and their children.
Georgette Bechara
from Sydney, Australia ∙ 19 postsGeorgette Bechara is a commerce/law student from Sydney, Australia. She aspires to be a voice for the many persecuted Christians in a world that is so hostile towards people of faith.
Madeline Daley
19 postsMadeline is an intern at EWTN News and a master's student at Ohio University. With a background in media production, she loves to capture the heart of the Gospel in the media she creates.
Susanna Spencer
from St. Paul, MN ∙ 17 postsSusanna lives in St. Paul, MN with her husband and children. She spends her time going to beautiful liturgies, cooking, reading, home schooling her children, and writing all about it at her blog.
Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti
16 postsMsgr. Rossetti is a priest in the Diocese of Syracuse, research associate professor at the Catholic University of America and actively involved in the deliverance ministry for the past 13 years.
Simone Rizkallah
from New York, New York ∙ 14 postsSimone Rizkallah is host of the "Beyond Rome" podcast which seeks to reconnect Catholics to their roots in the Near East. She is the Director at Philos Catholic.
Fr. Edward Looney
from Wisconsin ∙ 12 postsOrdained a priest for the Diocese of Green Bay, WI in 2015, Fr. Looney is President of the Mariological Society of America and writes often on Marian topics, including the 1859 Wisconsin apparition.
Bridget Costello
11 postsBridget Costello is a Salesian Cooperator and full-time missionary. She loves sharing the Truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith, especially to young people and families.
Côme Besse
11 postsCôme Besse is the founder of Divine Box, a French website that sells monastic products. Newly married, he loves his wife and traveling to abbeys to dig out the
Matthew Petesch
11 postsMatthew is a High School teacher and avid reader. He lives in the august state of Montana with his wife.
Jacob Stein
from Rome, Italy ∙ 11 postsJacob Stein, from Omaha, Nebraska, is completing his licentiate in Dogmatic Theology at the Angelicum in Rome. He is known for founding his online apostolate, Crux Stationalis.
Elise Harris
10 postsElise Harris is the senior correspondent in Rome for Crux Catholic Media.
Sponsored Content
9 postsThis content promotes our sponsors. Please consider supporting them!
Mat Burkepile
from Texas ∙ 8 postsMat Burkepile is the music director and organist for St. Peter's Catholic Church in Lindsay, Texas. He is master violinist, music teacher, and the husband of ChurchPOP's Jacqueline Burkepile.
Rachel Lu
8 postsRachel Lu is a senior contributor at <i>The Federalist</i>, and also contributes to <i>Crisis Magazine</i> and <i>Ricochet</i>. She teaches philosophy at the University of St. Thomas.
Tyler Blanski
8 postsTyler Blanski is praying for a holy renaissance. He is the author of <a href="">When Donkeys Talk: Rediscovering the Myste
Debbie Cowden
from Ohio ∙ 7 postsDebbie Cowden is the Senior Digital Media Specialist and a co-host at EWTN. She lives in Ohio with her husband and four kids. She co-wrote "The Prayerbook for Tired Parents," with her husband, Dave.
Michael Saltis
7 postsMichael Saltis is a graduate of the University of Dayton. He lives, works, and occasionally finds time to write in Akron, Ohio.
Buchi Akpati
from Virginia, USA ∙ 7 postsBuchi Akpati served as the digital media manager for EWTN News until early September 2023.
Cleiton Ramos
6 postsDevin Rose
6 postsDevin Rose is a Catholic, husband, father, and software engineer. He's the author of <i><a href="">Farm Flop</a></i> and <i>
Jennifer Fulwiler
6 postsJennifer Fulwiler is an atheist-to-Catholic convert, wife, mother, author, speaker, and blogger. She is the author of <i><a href="
Mary Rezac
6 postsMary Rezac, a staff writer for Catholic News Agency/EWTN News, holds a degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in secondary English and journalism education. She loves St. John Paul II, Blesse
Martin Marie
6 postsDedicated Catholic layman who has a passion for bringing souls to Christ.
Nicholas Scotchie
from New York, New York ∙ 6 postsNicholas Scotchie is a graduate economics student from New York City. He aspires to preach the love of God that is at the heart of the Church’s theological and liturgical traditions.
Ishmael Adibuah
from Detroit, Michigan ∙ 6 postsIshmael Adibuah, a native of Detroit, Michigan is an alumnus of Michigan State University and the Thomistic Institute.
Fr. Daniel Maria Klimek, T.O.R.
5 postsFr. Daniel Maria Klimek, T.O.R., is an assistant professor of theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. He completed his Master’s at Yale Divinity School and received his Ph.D. with di
Fr. Kyle Walterscheid
5 postsFr. Kyle Walterscheid is the pastor of St. John Paul II Catholic Church and Campus Ministry in Denton, TX. You can read more of his work on his blog, <a href="http://catholicvocationsforchrist.blogsp
John Laney
5 postsNCHLA
5 postsThe <a href="">National Committee for a Human Life Amendment</a> is dedicated to the full legal recognition of the right to life of the unborn child. objectives include educ
Bridget August
5 postsBridget August is an aspiring writer and EWTN News intern, striving to bring fresh perspectives to journalism. Bridget is eager to expand her work and make a meaningful contribution to the field.
Heather Konerman
4 postsLorelei Savaryn
4 postsLorelei Savaryn is a Catholic Convert, wife, mother to four, and children's author. Her novels are written from the Catholic imagination and uplift the true, the beautiful, and the good things.
Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC
4 postsFr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC is a priest with the Legionaries of Christ, ordained in 2013, and lives in the Washington DC metro area. Originally from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Fr. Matthew has worked
Richard G. Evans
4 postsRichard G. Evans lives in Minneapolis, MN, and works as a Patient Service Representative with HealthEast Clinics. He is single, and besides his love of the Catholic faith, he also enjoys collecting v
Shaun McAfee
4 postsShaun McAfee (Founding Contributor) is a Protestant-to-Catholic convert, husband, and father. He has a Masters in Dogmatic Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary, is the Founder of <a href=
Kylie Gallegos
4 postsKylie Gallegos is a senior at the University of Notre Dame majoring in American Studies and Theology. She is the president of Notre Dame Right to Life and a current intern with EWTN News Production.
Anna Pietrus
4 postsAnna is a social media manager at EWTN Poland. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Studies and is a translator, nature enthusiast, and fiancée.
Amy Brooks
3 postsAmy Brooks is a stay-at-home mom, freelance writer, and blogger at <a href=""></a>. Amy lives in PA with her husband Matt and son Xavier. They ar
Ann Schneible
3 postsAnn Schneible writes for Catholic News Agency.
Father Zachary Burns
3 postsFather Zachary Burns is a priest of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Brandon Vogt
3 postsBrandon Vogt is a husband, father, author, speaker, and blogger. He's the Founder of <a href="">Strange Notions</a> and the Content Director for <a href="http://www.word
Briana Meade
3 postsBriana Meade (Founding Contributor) is a twenty-six year old blogger and avid fan of Starbucks macchiatos, Lorde, and New England summers. She writes at <a href="">brianameade.
David Kerr
3 postsDavid Kerr is the Director of Communications with the Diocese of Lansing in Michigan. A native of Scotland, he worked for 12 years as a senior broadcast journalist with BBC News.
Dominic de Souza
3 postsDominic de Souza is the founder and general designer at When not inventing epic stuff to share... he's inventing epic stuff to share. <a href="
John Hall
3 postsJohn is happily and convictedly a practicing Catholic, even though he isn’t very good at it yet. He is an alumnus of Thomas Aquinas College (’10) and is a High School Teacher in Montana, where he
Joseph Sciambra
3 postsJoseph Sciambra joined the Catholic Church in 1999 after having spent years as an amateur porn actor and escort. Since then he has written extensively concerning the real-life issues of pornography,
Lisa Cotter
3 postsLisa Cotter is a Catholic speaker, author, and podcaster on the topics of relationships, femininity, and living life with excellence. You can learn more about her on <a href="
Mark Haas
3 postsMark Haas is a Catholic composer, and speaker. He lives in Charleston, WV with his wife and their five original compositions. <a href="">ww
Mary Jo Gerd
3 postsMary Jo traded in her secular media job for the more rewarding, albeit lower paying vocation of full-time wife and mother. She hasn't looked back since. Well, maybe once or twice. She lives in Denver
Matthew Newsome
3 postsDeacon Matthew Newsome is the Catholic Campus Minister at Western Carolina University in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte. He is married with six children.
Robert P. George
3 postsRobert P. George is the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University.
Susanna and Mark Spencer
3 postsSusanna and Mark live in St. Paul, MN with their four children. Susanna earned her MA in Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and spends her time going to beautiful liturgies, cooking,
Francesca Pollio Fenton
from Colorado ∙ 3 postsFrancesca is the social media manager for Catholic News Agency at EWTN News. She received her degree in communications with an emphasis on digital media from the University of Colorado - Denver.
Luisa Restrepo
from Medellín, Colombia ∙ 3 postsLuisa is a consecrated laywoman and communicator. She has written for various Catholic media outlets, including Aleteia and Catholic Link. She dedicates time to bringing young people to the faith.
Stephen Ryan
from Alexandria, Virginia ∙ 3 postsStephen Ryan is the founder of the Catholic media ministry Mystic Post. Stephen is also the author of the new nonfiction book about the Virgin Mary entitled, "Beauty Will Save the World."
Ryan Bilodeau
3 postsRyan is a Theology teacher, writer, and digital marketing strategist who supports Catholic organizations. He founded the Catholic Cases Morality app and is creating a nonprofit to aid the homeless.
Becky Roach
2 postsBecky Roach lives in Ohio with her husband and five children. When not doing laundry or making memories with her kids, Becky enjoys diet coke and date nights with her husband. She is also a staff wri
Cate Von Dohlen
2 postsCate Von Dohlen is the Content Marketing Lead at Hallow. She is a Graduate of the University of Notre Dame's Program of Liberal Studies and enjoys ND football, writing and being in the great outdoors
Christian Clifford
2 postsChristian Clifford is an educator and author who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and son. For more information, visit <a href=""></a>.
David Bates
2 postsDavid Bates grew up in England raised in the Catholic faith. While at university, through the witness of a Catholic missionary, he experienced a profound deepening of his relationship with Jesus Chri
Fr. Gabriel Lickteig
2 postsFr. Gabriel Lickteig is the chaplain for Northwest Missouri State University's Newman Catholic Center in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri.
Fr. Khoi Tran
2 postsFr. Khoi was born in Vietnam, but immigrated to the United States in 1994. After years of parish ministry, he now serves our military personnel and their families in the United States Air and Space F
Fr. Stephen Elser
from Arkansas ∙ 2 postsFr. Stephen Elser is the pastor at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Pocahontas, Ark. He also loves music and plays the piano, saxophone, and organ.
Gretchen Filz
2 postsJordan Watwood
2 postsJordan Watwood is the Director of Marketing at Fuzati.
Joseph Pearce
2 postsJoseph Pearce, author of <a href="">
Kevin Jones
2 postsKevin Jones is a Senior Staff Writer at Catholic News Agency.
Laura Hudgens
2 postsLaura is a freelance writer, a part-time high school teacher, and a full-time wife, mother, and Catholic. Her work has appeared on The <i>Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Federalist, Grown a
Louis Hall
2 postsLouis is an artist, and with help from his kids, creates the weirdly Catholic <a href="">Angelic Twaddle Comics</a>. In his day job, he is a professional Creative Direct
Maggie Maslak
2 postsMaggie Maslak is a journalist for Catholic News Agency.
Matt Meeks
from Minnesota ∙ 2 postsMatt Meeks is a partner at Catholic Ventures, which manages,, and the Lion & Lamb book club. He lives with his wife and three sons on a farm in Minnesota.
Michael Walker
2 postsMichael Walker graduated from the University of Dallas in 2013. He is currently studying for a Master's at the Dominican School in Berkeley, California. You can follow him on Twitter at: <a href="htt
Peter Darcy
2 postsPeter Darcy is a freelance writer and organizing professional who hails from New Orleans. He holds a degree in Philosophy from Notre Dame and in his spare time discusses the problems of life with his
Scott Smith
2 postsScott Smith is a Catholic author, blogger, speaker, and attorney. He is about to open registration for a course on the Blessed Mother, "<a href="
Susan Brinkmann
2 postsSusan Brinkmann, <a href="">O.C.D.S.</a>, is an author and award winning journalist. She is the Director of Communications and New Age Research for <a href="https://ww
Tiphaine Lamb
2 postsTiphaine Lamb is a Catholic revert, wife, and mother of four with a passion for Charlotte Mason homeschooling.
Nuria Chicchon Sara
2 postsNuria is the Social Media Manager for ChurchPOP Español. She belongs to the Avanzada Católica Movement and is a communicator and designer. Contact her at
Claudette Jerez
2 postsClaudette Jerez is a Digital Media Specialist for EWTN News. She covers events like World Youth Day, the World Meeting of Families, and the National March for Life in Washington DC.
Michael Gormley
from Houston, Texas ∙ 2 postsMichael “Gomer” Gormley is a Catholic evangelist and podcaster. His podcasts are Catching Foxes and Every Knee Shall Bow. Gomerly is also the Mission Evangelist for Paradisus Dei.
Jasmine Gonzalez-Berg
2 postsJasmine is a writer for Hollywood Catholic, an entertainment-focused website. She loves writing about her Catholic faith and hopes everyone can see the beauty the faith brings to the world.
Dr. Jared Staudt
2 postsDr. R. Jared Staudt serves the Catholic Church as a teacher, speaker, writer, and administrator. He is the Director of Content for Exodus 90.
Adelaide Mena
1 postAdelaide Mena is a journalist for Catholic News Agency.
1 postAdGloriamDei is a 5th year diocesan seminarian from a rural midwest diocese. He loves teaching catechism classes and spending time with his brother seminarians. He often says that entering the semina
Alan Holdren
1 postAlan Holdren is the Rome Bureau Chief for Catholic News Agency.
Allison Howell
1 postAllison and her husband, a former Pentecostal pastor, were welcomed into the Church in 2004. They live with their seven children in Alaska, where they homeschool, hunt, hike, and pick blueberries.
Amy Smith
1 postAmy Smith is associate editor of the <a href="">National Catholic Register</a>. She edits features and enjoys writing about hope, saints (her favorites are
Andrea Gagliarducci
1 postAndrea is a journalist covering the Vatican for Catholic News Agency.
Andrew Butler
1 postAndrew Butler is a communications professional for the Knights of Columbus. He is a graduate of Providence College and an avid <a href="">singer</a>.
Andrew Yuengert
1 postAndrew M. Yuengert has a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University and is a Professor of Economics at Pepperdine University.
Andy Fowler
1 postAndy Fowler is a reporter for the Knights of Columbus in New Haven, Conn. A former writer for Morning Joe on MSNBC, he was a researcher for the 2016 film Hillary’s America: The Secret History of th
Anthony Baratta
1 postAnthony Baratta is a writer and newly married husband who left Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to become Catholic in March of 2012. Read more about Anthony’s journey at his <a href="http://ww
Avellina Balestri
1 postAvellina Balestri (aka Rosaria Marie) is a Catholic freelance writer and Editor-in-Chief of <i><a href="">The Fellowship of the King</a> </i>, a Catholic online
Bill Kassel
1 postAn adult convert, Bill Kassel is a writer, communications consultant, and musician based in Michigan. During the 1980s he led a Catholic music ensemble called Company, which was a forerunner of today
Blanca Ruiz
1 postCathopic
1 postUnited by faith, Cathopic seeks to serve the Body of Christ through high-quality and authentic digital resources, to convert the culture for Christ. Join us in our mission to evangelize the world by
Cecilia Allen
1 postThe oldest of 5 children, Cecilia was raised in a Catholic, homeschooling family. She spent a year volunteering with Franciscan Sisters before entering the Carmelite Monastery. She later discerned a
Chad Bird
1 postChad Bird is a husband, father, poet, runner, lover of Hebrew and the Hebrew Bible, and an active Christian of the Lutheran confession. His writings have been published in <i>The Federalist, Modern R
Chelsea Clarkson
1 postChelsea Clarkson is a mother and writer living in Sarasota, Florida. She blogs about faith, family, and fabulosity at <a href="">Holy Sparkle</a>. Chelsea also runs <a href="ht
Christina Kleehammer
1 postChristina Kleehammer is a soldier’s wife, a baby boy’s mother, and a Roman Catholic convert hailing from the Post-Evangelical refugee camps of the American spiritual landscape. She tends to write
Claudine Macalisang
1 postClaudine is the founder, artist, and admin of the page <a href="">Carissimae Dei</a>. She loves dwelling in silence, mental prayer, and reading spiritual books
Daniel McInerny
1 postDaniel McInerny holds a PhD in philosophy and taught for many years at several universities in the United States. He is the author of the blackly comic thriller <a href="
David Ramos
1 postDuncan Stroik
1 postDuncan G. Stroik is a practicing architect, author, and Professor of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame. His award-winning work includes Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel in Californ
Edward Pentin
1 postEdward Pentin is the Rome Correspondent for the National Catholic Register.
EWTN Global Catholic Network
1 postFather Paul-Michael Piega
1 postFr. Piega is a priest in the Diocese of Austin, Texas. His hope is that you strive to become a saint and that you know that there is a God who loves you. Know of his prayers for you and he humbly ask
Fr. Dave Pivonka
1 postFr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, is a nationally known author and speaker. He also leads pilgrimages to some of the holiest sites in the world. He spends much of his time helping others come to know God’s lo
Fr. David Cartwright
1 postFr David Cartwright is the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia. He was ordained in the Jubilee Year of 2000 and also serves as Pastor of St. Fidelis Parish, Moreland in the
Fr. Goyo Hidalgo
1 postFr. Goyo Hidalgo is a Catholic priest Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California. You can follow him on <a href="">Instagram</a> and <a href="">
Fr. Joseph Keating
1 postRev. Joe Keating was raised in a Catholic family in San Angelo, Texas. He was ordained a priest of Jesus Christ on May 21, 2016. He currently serves as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish and School in Mu
Gavin Miller
1 postGavin C. Miller is a field biologist with experience in ecological restoration and native plant propagation, and is also sometimes a freelance writer. He lives in Toronto.
Gia Chacon
1 postGia is a humanitarian, motivational speaker, and founder of For the Martyrs and the March for the Martyrs. She hopes to empower this generation to live a life with passion-driven purpose. Connect wit
Grant Diamond
1 postGrant grew up wanting to be President, now he just wants to tell people about Jesus. He blogs less than he should at <a href="">Lead Where You Are.Today</a> and is cu
Holy Apostles College & Seminary
1 post<a href="">Holy Apostles College & Seminary</a> offers graduate and undergraduate degrees 100% online and is recommended by the <a href="http://www.cardinalnewmansocie
Hannah Brockhaus
1 postHannah writes for Catholic News Agency.
Hannah Marie
1 postHannah, a Gonzaga University alumna, shares her passion & love for her Catholic faith through writing. A resident of the Inland Northwest, Hannah enjoys being an Aunt/Godmother, fly fishing, ball
Jana Zuniga
1 postJana Zuniga is a Catholic artist and designer from Atlanta, Ga. She resides in Colorado Springs with her husband, Tim, and is the founder of January Jane Shop, an online shop for Catholic-inspired ar
Jason Uriah
1 postJason Uriah hails from New York City where he is a marketing associate by day and blogger by night. He is a sports and music fanatic and often tries to marry the two in his writing.
John Tuttle
1 postJohn Tuttle is a Catholic writer and creative with a passion for truth, goodness, and beauty. His writing has been featured by a number of outlets, including The Wanderer, Franciscan Media, Catholic
Joshua Snatchko
1 postJoshua Snatchko is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville (B.A. Theology and Catechetics '13). He has a beautiful wife Caitlin and one son named Patrick Joseph. And he's a full-time yout
Julie Cook
1 postJulie Cook lives in west Michigan and has been a certified Natural Family Planning instructor with the Couple to Couple League for 7 years. When not drawing outrageous things, she can be found upcycl
Kate Chetta
1 postKate Chetta is the wife of her best friend, Gaetano, and a mom of a 5 year old, 2 year old, 6 month old, and Liliana in heaven. She has the privilege of being a SAHM after leaving a career in the pha
Kate O'Hare
1 postKate O’Hare, a <a href="">longtime entertainment journalist</a>, is Social Media Content Manager at Family Theater Productions and creator of the <a href="https://www.p
Katherine Hopping
1 post<a href="">Katherine Hopping</a> is a Council Bluffs, Iowa native. She graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 2021 with a degree in comm
Kathy Dempsey
1 postKathy Dempsey is a communications and advocacy strategist. She has 25 years of communications and advocacy experience working with Catholic institutions, schools and higher education in addition to
Kathy Schiffer
1 postKathy Schiffer is a Catholic blogger. In addition to her blog Seasons of Grace, her articles have appeared in the National Catholic Register, Aleteia, Zenit, the Michigan Catholic, Legatus Magazine,
Kristina Sinishtaj
1 postKristina Sinishtaj. Albanian. 17. Senior.
Lindsay Kuniyuki
1 postLindsay Brack Kuniyuki earned a degree in history from the University of Arizona and spent time working and volunteering in museums before deciding to homeschool her four children using the <a href="
Lisa Frecker
1 postLisa Frecker holds a BA in theology and classics from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She keeps busy as a wife and stay-at-home mother of two small girls, but also dabbles in thinking, Latin t
Lisa Socarras
1 postLisa Socarras writes from Annandale, Virginia.
Loredana Vuoto
1 postLucero Manzanares
1 postLucero Manzanares is a FOCUS missionary serving at Temple University. She works with her FOCUS teammates to host Bible studies and other activities to bring students closer to Christ.
Luke Burgis
1 postLuke Burgis is a Catholic entrepreneur and investor who founded multiple startups in Silicon Valley. He spent several years in seminary formation for the Diocese of Las Vegas, and is currently Entrep
Martina Kreitzer
1 postMartina Kreitzer is Catholic wife, and mother to seven children here (and three in heaven). She created <a href="">Catholic Sistas</a>, which focuses on a feminine pers
Mary Beth Giltner
1 postMary Beth Giltner is the Senior Acquisitions Editor at Our Sunday Visitor.
Matt McDonald
1 postMatt McDonald writes for the National Catholic Register.
Melissa Keating
1 postMelissa Keating is a follicular hagiographer and St. John the Evangelist enthusiast currently living and writing in Denver, Colorado. She is incredibly blessed and frequently boasts about her awesome
Michael McDonald
1 postMike is a software consultant who lives in Texas with Kathy, his wife of 44 years. He likes spending time with family and studying his two passions - baseball and religion.
Michael Barber
1 postDr. Michael Barber, St. Paul Center Senior Fellow, is Associate Professor of Scripture and Theology at the Augustine Institute. He has served as Dean of the School of Theology at John Paul the Great
Michael Morris
1 postMike resides in the hipster jungle of Denton, Texas where he raises a gaggle of girls with his wife who is the better parent.
Mike Bovino
1 postMike served as a FOCUS missionary for two years at Montclair State University in New Jersey. He is currently entering his third year of theological studies at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg,
Mother Mary Angelica
1 postMother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation was a nun of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration and the founder of EWTN, the largest Catholic media network in the world. Learn about her amazing life <a
Neil McGee
1 postNeil McGee is a British web/data developer and founder of <a href=""></a>. For the last couple of years I’ve been living between Lon
Nellie Edwards
1 postNellie Edwards is nationally known for her sacred art depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe kneeling in Adoration of her unborn Savior-Son.
Nick Pitts
1 postNick Pitts serves as the Special Assistant to the President at the <a href="">Denison Forum on Truth and Culture</a>. Originally from Tennessee, Nick is currently a PhD st
Patti Armstrong
1 postPatti Armstrong is a Catholic author and speaker.
Peter Kreeft
1 postPeter Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at Boston College, as well as a prolific author and speaker. You can learn more about him at <a href=""></a
Richard Silver
1 postRichard Silver is New York born and Bred (raised in Brooklyn and now lives in Manhattan), but to him, home is where his camera is. Richard has visited 76 countries and more than 225 cities in his lif
Ron Quinlan
1 postRon is a former Catholic School teacher from New Jersey now living in South Carolina and leads a charismatic prayer group. He's be published by <i>Catholic Exchange</i>, <i>Catholic Lane</i>, the <i>
Ryan Mayer
1 postRyan Mayer is theology department chair at Marin Catholic College Preparatory in the San Francisco Bay Area. He enjoys apologetics, food, and chasing his two sons around trying to convince them that
Ryan O'Hara
1 postRyan O’Hara serves as the Director of Mission Resources for <a href="">Saint Paul’s Outreach</a>, a national Catholic organization that ministers to college students on camp
Sam Stark
1 postSam Stark (pen name) is a 20s-ish Catholic man from Florida, trying to live out his faith in the little everyday things, who struggles with gender confusion and same-sex attraction. Feel free to reac
Sarah Kaderbek
1 postSarah Kaderbek is a cradle Catholic and rising college junior. She attends the Franciscan University of Steubenville where she majors in British and American Literature.
Sarah Mishler
1 postSarah Mishler is a stay-at-home mom to four little ones, ages three and under, with baby number five on the way. Her Catholic faith and her family are the cornerstones of her life. Apart from faith a
Sr. Allison Gliot
1 postSr. Allison Gliot is a novice with the Daughters of St. Paul (aka, the #MediaNuns). She lives at the Metairie, La., convent, helping run the Catholic Pauline Books & Media center. Follow Sr. All
Taylor Marshall
1 postTaylor Marshall is a Catholic, husband, father, scholar, writer, and blogger. Learn more about him at <a href=""></a>.
Thomas Tan
1 postThomas Tan adores classic adventure sitcoms and Sunday morning cartoons. He's a Knight of Malta and former Creative Head for HBO. When he’s not chasing deadlines in his current role as Creative Dir
Tiffany Tubby
1 postTiffany born and raised in New York. Since she found her creative gift of filming at age 15, God has allowed her to share other people's stories to glorify the Kingdom of God. "I believe that when we
Valerie Schmalz
1 postValerie Schmalz is assistant editor of <i><a href="">Catholic San Francisco</a></i>, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
Virginia Aabram
1 postVirginia Aabram is a recent graduate of Hillsdale College, where she studied history and journalism. Her writing also appears in The Daily Signal and The Federalist. A native of Naperville, Illinois,
Zachary Blake
1 postZachary Jarrell
1 postZachary Jarrell is a missionary with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, GA. His concentration was religious studies at the Univer
Aaron Lambert
1 postAaron Lambert is the managing editor of the Denver Catholic.
Deacon Dominic Lazzaroni
1 postDeacon Dominic Lazzaroni currently serves at St. Frances Cabrini Parish in West Bend, Wisconsin.
Archbishop William E. Lori
1 postArchbishop William E. Lori is the archbishop for the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Supreme Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus.
Father Ronald Vierling
1 postFather Vierling ministers in catechesis and Catholic education. He serves as director of Pro Deo et Fratribus in the U.S. and is a member of the Oblates of Mary at the Foot of the Cross.
Teresa Mull
1 postTeresa Mull grew up in Pennsylvania and received a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Dallas. She interned for Laura Ingraham and at The American Spectator magazine.
Anthony DeStefano
1 postAnthony DeStefano is an American author, television host and activist. He is the author of five bestselling Christian books for adults.
Maria de las Mercedes
from Toronto, Canada ∙ 1 postMaria is a Catechist and High School Religion teacher from Toronto, Canada.
Lou Judd
from Kentucky, United States ∙ 1 postLou Judd is the Executive Director of the Catholic virtue program Virtue=Strength. He is a writer, speaker, husband, and father of six.
Alec Torres
from Texas ∙ 1 postAlec Torres is a former speechwriter for President Donald Trump and former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. He is the co-author of "Persecuted from Within: How the Saints Endured Crises in the Church."
Savannah Anne Carman
from Washington, D.C. ∙ 1 postSavannah Anne is the Receptionist at EWTN News. On the side, she works as a doula and fertility coach, bakes sourdough bread, and serves the Thomistic Institute Young Professionals chapter in DC.
Domonkos Pulay
1 postDomonkos is the editor for the Hungarian edition of ChurchPOP and a contributing reporter and host at EWTN Hungary. He has a degree in International Relations, and is a NET Ministries Ireland alumnus.
Almudena Martínez-Bordiú
1 postAlmudena Martínez-Bordiú is Rome correspondent for ACI Prensa and EWTN.
Rita Sporleder
1 postRita Sporleder is from San Diego, California. She is a Graduate of the Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Associate Producer of "The World Over with Raymond Arroyo" at EWTN.
Migi Fabara
1 postMigi Fabara's emphasis lies in media and journalism. She is also a creative professional who delves into other practices, such as photojournalism and writing.
Mark Quaranta
1 postMark Quaranta is the creator of the Examination Journal. He lives outside of Allentown, PA with his wife and four children.
Catholic News Agency Deutsch
1 postCeleste Behe
from Pennsylvania ∙ 1 postCeleste Behe is a speaker and contributor to Catholic publications. She founded St. Monica Ministry in the Diocese of Allentown, Pa. Celeste and her husband Michael are the parents of nine children.
Father Zoltán Kovács
from Hungarian Diocese of Szeged-Csanád ∙ 1 postFather Zoltán Kovács is a priest from the Hungarian Diocese of Szeged-Csanád. He graduated in biblical theology in Rome. His passion is evangelization.
Annie Cellucci
from Pennsylvania ∙ 1 postAnnie Cellucci is a high school student in Pennsylvania. She uses her platform Continuing for Carlo to encourage a deeper understanding of the Eucharist.
Amy Javier
1 postAmy Javier is a fashion professional and business entrepreneur. She obtained an Associate's degree in Fashion Merchandising from the Fashion Institute of Technology.
Anikó Schnider
from Rome, Italy ∙ 1 postAnikó Schnider is pursuing her biblical studies in Rome and serves the Church as a translator for EWTN and ChurchPOP.
Carmen Sandoval
from Los Angeles, California ∙ 1 postCarmen is a Los Angeles native. Born to a Mexican mother and an Italian father, she is a Catholic convert and writes on all things Catholic and trending to highlight truth, beauty, and goodness.
Hunter Leonard
1 postHunter Leonard holds an M.A. in Theology. He has written for Busted Halo, St. Austin Review, Crisis Magazine, and Voyage Comics. He is also the author of the children’s book, “When God Speaks.”
Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP
1 postSr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP, is a member of the Daughters of Saint Paul. She is a screenwriter, best-selling author, and speaker. She also has a background in home video and Catholic TV production.