Anxious About Coronavirus? 4 Powerful Prayers for Peace, From Catholic Priests & Nuns

Are you worried about the coronavirus?
Let us make an act of faith and trust in the Lord. After all, Jesus said in Jn. 14:1, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”
Several priests and nuns posted prayers on social media in the wake of this world pandemic and the anxiety many experience.
Below are some of their prayers and encouragement for this trying time.
Fr. Goyo Hidalgo of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles posted this prayer:

Here’s the text of Fr. Goyo’s prayer:
“For those of us who are a bit on the anxiety & worrying side, here is a prayer.
Lord, help me
Be prepared, but not anxious.
Be aware, but not desperate.
Be vigilant, but not in fear.
Be joyful, but not clueless.
Be faithful, but not careless.
Lord, be my hope and strength.”
Arlington, Va. Diocese Bishop Michael Francis Burbidge also encouraged his followers with a prayer.
“Our nation and world are gripped with fears about the coronavirus and the uncertainty that lies ahead of us,” the Bishop wrote. “Let us turn to Our Lord in prayer.”
Here’s the bishop’s prayer below:
Our nation and world are gripped with fears about the Coronavirus and the uncertainty that lies ahead of us. Let us turn to Our Lord in prayer.
— Bishop Burbidge (@BishopBurbidge) March 13, 2020
Click here if you cannot see the video above.
Sr. Theresa Aletheia of the Daughters of St. Paul also shared a beautiful prayer for peace in anxiety.
Here’s her prayer below:
Here’s the text of Sr. Aletheia’s full prayer:
Prayer to Entrust Anxiety to Mary
by Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
O Holy Mary, my Queen,
I commend myself, body and soul,
to your merciful care today and every day,
especially in the hour of my death.
To you I entrust all my anxieties and sufferings,
my life and the end of my life,
that through your intercession
all my actions may be directed and disposed
according to the will of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, also shared advice for calming anxieties.
Here’s her post below:
Here’s the full text of Sr. Miriam’s post:
Stay steady.
Take a deep breath.
Do not give in to fear.
Serve and pray for others.
Set your heart right with God.
This is not the end of the story.
All shall be well.”
Jesus, I trust in you!
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