Here’s for some great news: according to Princeton law professor and Catholic Robert P. George on Facebook, another leading academic swam the Tiber!
David B. and Clara E. Stern Professor of Philosophy and Professor in the College at the University of Chicago Dr. Candace Vogler was received into the Catholic Church this week.
George says she is a “major American intellectual” and is “a scholar of moral philosophy and a leading authority on the thought of John Stuart Mill and Elizabeth Anscombe.” He adds: “She has also written on Aristotle, Kant, and Marx and on many of the substantive issues addressed in the thought of these figures.”
George repeated what he wrote when he announced the recent conversion of Harvard law professor Adrian Vermeule: “How the Church, weakened and wounded as she is at this historical moment (with the worst of her wounds being self-inflicted), continues to attract such extraordinary men and women is, to me, well . . . a miracle.”
A miracle indeed!
“Every time I hear of one of these conversions, my faith is strengthened,” a person commented on George’s Facebook post.’
“No doubt the influence of Anscombe,” another commenter added. “That’s how I got the faith too.”
Here’s George’s full Facebook post making the announcement:

Here’s what it says:
“A few weeks ago when I learned that the brilliant and eminent legal scholar Adrian Vermeule of Harvard Law School had been received into the Catholic Church, I said:
“‘How the Church, weakened and wounded as she is at this historical moment (with the worst of her wounds being self-inflicted), continues to attract such extraordinary men and women is, to me, well . . . a miracle.’
“These miracles keep happening. This week another major American intellectual, Candace Vogler, the David B. and Clara E. Stern Professor of Philosophy and Professor in the College at the University of Chicago, was received into the Church. She is a scholar of moral philosophy and a leading authority on the thought of John Stuart Mill and Elizabeth Anscombe. She has also written on Aristotle, Kant, and Marx and on many of the substantive issues addressed in the thought of these figures.
“Deo gratias.”
Praise the Lord!
[See also: The Miracle that Led “Obi-Wan Kenobi” to Convert to Catholicism]
[See also: Harvard Prof Indicates Mystical Encounter with Mary Led to His Conversion]