"America's Pastor": Watch Billy Graham Preach Across Eight Decades

"America's Pastor": Watch Billy Graham Preach Across Eight Decades
Bundesarchiv, Bild 194-0798-29 / Lachmann, Hans / CC-BY-SA / Wikimedia Commons

Billy Graham is one of the greatest Christian preachers in the history of the world. He has preached in 185 countries, and it is estimated that 2.2 billion people have heard him preach in some way (live, TV, radio, etc); 215 million have heard him preach live. More than 3.2 million people have responded to his altar calls at his “crusades.” He has met with every U.S. president since Harry S. Truman. Since the 1970s, he has been known as “America’s Pastor.”

Here are eight clips of his incredible preaching, one for each of the last eight decades.

1949: Los Angeles, CA

1959: Melbourne, Australia

1969: New York City, NY

1971: Lexington, KY

1982: Boston, MA

1993: Puerto Rico

2006: Baltimore, MD

2013: His home in North Carolina