Has fear of failure kept you from achieving your spiritual goals? Here’s why it doesn't have to be this way 🙌

In this episode of “The Catholic Gentleman,” John Heinen, Devin Schadt, and Sam Guzman discuss one of the most Googled questions on the internet: How do I stop failing? They explain ways to reframe your thoughts on failure and how a child of God can face it with courage and faith!

The True Meaning of Failure

Is self-doubt stopping you from becoming who God created you to be? Modern culture distorts our understanding of failure, reducing it to an obstacle to success or something to endure. However, Heinen says, “Both of those views are missing the absolute depth of why we fear failure in the first place." 

The only real failure is avoiding action altogether. By embracing failure, we can gain wisdom, experience, and ultimately, spiritual maturity!

Pride Holds Us Back

Perfectionism and comparison can keep you from stepping out of your spiritual comfort zone. 

"If we don't face our limitations” because we fear looking weak or incapable, Schadt explains, “we remain stuck in our own pride.” 

Remember that the Christian life calls for trust in God’s plan, not a desperate attempt to control every outcome. 

Use Failure for Growth

The saints understood that failure is a tool for spiritual growth. 

"It's what we love most that inspires us to acts of courage. The saints had the same emotions that we all do. They were afraid sometimes, they were frustrated sometimes, but they were overcome by that intensity of love in their hearts that attracted them to God,” Guzman says. 

When we surrender our fears to trust in God, He will use even our failures for His glory. 

The gentlemen say every hardship and every setback can become an opportunity for deeper conversion if we allow God to work through them!

Watch this episode below 👇

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“A saint is a sinner who keeps trying.” - Saint Josemaría
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