We celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mary on Sept. 8.

According to Catholic tradition, the Blessed Mother was born to Saints Joachim and Anne, a pious elderly couple who had remained childless.

Catholics believe that Mary was conceived without sin and was chosen by God to be the Mother of His Son. The feast of the Nativity of Mary emphasizes her unique role in God’s plan for salvation!

What better way to celebrate Mother Mary’s birthday than by giving her one (or more!) of the following gifts?

virgin mary, rosary prayers, rosary how to pray, rosary to pray, rosary and prayers
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

1. Pray the Rosary.

By meditating on the Rosary, we contemplate the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of His Mother, Mary.

Take the time to pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary since her birthday falls on a Sunday this year. You can also pray an entire Rosary by meditating on all 20 mysteries of the Rosary: The Joyful Mysteries, The Sorrowful Mysteries, The Glorious Mysteries, and The Luminous Mysteries.

virgin mary, nativity of mary
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

2. Fresh Flowers

Deliver a bouquet of fresh flowers to a Marian statue at your local parish in honor of her birthday. You can also make a special Marian shrine at home with a vase of your favorite blooms. There are even specific flowers associated with Our Blessed Mother, such as roses or lilies.

our lady of guadalupe
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

3. Contribute to a pro-life organization in honor of Our Lady’s "Yes.”

Remember Our Blessed Mother’s acceptance of God’s will amidst uncertainty by giving your time, talent, or treasure, to a pro-life organization or local pregnancy resource center. Say a special prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn.

virgin mary, nativity of mary, marian consecration
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

4. Begin or renew your Marian consecration.

Have you ever consecrated yourself to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother?

ChurchPOP has a thorough consecration guide here.

Through consecration of oneself to Jesus through Mary, we acknowledge her role as the Mother of Our Lord and entrust our intentions to her intercession. We believe that she hand-delivers our prayers to her most Holy Son! We worship God more fully by honoring His Mother–especially on her birthday.

Here is a prayer for Our Blessed Mother's birthday:

Your Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, was the herald of joy to the whole world; since from you arose the S0n of Justice, Christ our God, who, destroying the curse, bestowed the blessing, and confounding death, rewarded us with life everlasting.

V. Let us celebrate with joy the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

R. That she may intercede for us with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us pray

Grant to us your servants, we beseech you, O Lord, the gift of Your heavenly grace, that as our salvation was begun in the child-bearing of the Blessed Virgin, so from this solemn festival of her Nativity may we obtain an increase of peace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer Source: America Needs Fatima

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