8 Powerful Ways to Combat the Grave Evil of Abortion With Our Lady's Help

guadalupe our lady, guadalupe virgin
“Mother of Life”, Nellie Edwards (artist)

With the Supreme Court of Mexico legalizing abortion, I, like countless more, grieve for the precious unborn.

These children will likely die by the tens of thousands, and possibly millions. Stepping up our prayers and acts of atonement on behalf of the babies and their mothers and fathers is vital.

Below are eight ways we can help mitigate this grave evil with the help of Our Lady.

1) Pray Our Lady’s Rosary 

Intercede for the mothers tempted to abort their child and in reparation for abortions committed. But why stop with one rosary? Ask yourself honestly if you can make time to pray two, three, or even more rosaries per day. One for the babies, one for their mothers, fathers, and another for the courage of government leaders to stand for truth.

2) Pray at the local abortion clinic

For those who feel called, offer abortion-bound mothers the local resources that are available to them.

3) Make a Eucharistic Holy Hour 

Pray especially when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar. Adoring Christ, in imitation of Our Lady, releases powerful graces of conversion for those who promote the killing of the unborn.

4) Attend weekday Mass as often as possible.

Receiving our Lord (with a clear conscience) gives us the graces to stand up and speak out on behalf of His little ones, without fear.

5) Promote chastity among youth

Start a youth group using St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to teach teens to respect God’s plan for human sexuality. This will greatly reduce the trauma of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and lead to a more civilized society.

6) Pray a Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Ask Our Lady’s powerful intercession to restore the ‘Right to Life’ for the unborn and to help young people to be chaste.

7) Praise the Lord

Praise Him throughout the day, and thank Him for those He has and will extend his tender mercy to, through your prayers.

8) Fast

Fasting, in Christ’s own words, can move mountains! Consider fasting in some measure, and God will use that to bring the most hardened sinner to repentance.

Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe 

“Mother of Life”, Nellie Edwards (artist)

Our Lady of Guadalupe, cast your maternal gaze
upon your children, born and unborn.
We are in such need of your protection.

The enemies of Life are strong
but you are infinitely stronger,
since God chose you
to “crush the head of the serpent,” the devil.

As we strive to overcome evil,
we remember your words of comfort
to St. Juan Diego, “Am I not here who am your mother?”
Therefore, we approach you with great confidence.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Life, pray for us!

(Prayer by Nellie Edwards)