Saint Teresa of Avila is truly a powerhouse saint!

She was a theologian, reformer of the Carmelite Order, and a notable Spanish mystic.

Saint Teresa of Avila was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1970. Her feast day is October 15.

Here are seven timeless pieces of wisdom from the incredible Saint Teresa of Avila:

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP
“Let us do our part, and God will then do what He wills. This is God’s cause, and all will end well. My hope is in Him; do not be distressed.”
 teresa of avila on prayer
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP
“There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.”
saint teresa of avila quotes
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP
“We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were those who had to bear the greatest trials.”
teresa of avila on prayer
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP
“I would not want any other prayer than that which makes the virtues grow in me. If it should be accompanied by great temptations, dryness, and trials leaving me with greater humility, I would consider it a good prayer. That prayer is the best prayer that pleases God the most.”
 saint teresa of avila quotes
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP
“From silly devotions and sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!” 
teresa of avila on prayer
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP
“It shouldn’t be thought that he who suffers isn’t praying, for he is offering this to God. And often he is praying much more than the one who is breaking his head in solitude, thinking that if he has squeezed out some tears he is thereby praying.”
saint teresa of avila quotes
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP
“The surest way to determine whether one possesses the love of God is to see whether he or she loves his or her neighbor. These two loves are never separated. Rest assured, the more you progress in love of neighbor, the more your love of God will increase.”

Here is a powerful prayer by Saint Teresa of Avila:

Let nothing disturb you, 
Let nothing frighten you, 
All things are passing away: 
God never changes. 
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing; 
God alone suffices.
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