Saint Gianna Beretta Molla was an Italian physician, wife, and mother who lived a life of selflessness and sacrifice. Her profound faith in God and dedication to serving others has left a lasting legacy!
Here are 6 things to know about Saint Gianna Beretta Molla:

1) Born on Oct. 4, 1922, in Magenta, Italy
St. Gianna grew up in a large Catholic family. Her parents had 13 children, although only eight of them survived to adulthood. Her brother, Enrico Beretta, is named a Servant of God, and both parents were members of the Third Order of St. Francis.
2) Devoted Wife and Mother
She had a heart to serve others–no matter what! Gianna used her vocation to bring others to Christ while serving her family and those in her community.

3) She was a pediatrician
Gianna graduated with degrees in medicine and surgery. She opened up her own pediatrics office in 1952.
4) Gianna was advised to abort her child.
Instead of doing so, Gianna chose to undergo surgery to remove the complication and continued with the difficult pregnancy. The daughter she gave her life to save, also named Gianna, is still alive today!

5) Her legacy continues to inspire people around the world!
St. Gianna is known for her unwavering commitment to the sanctity of human life. She famously chosen to give birth to her fourth child, despite the fact that it put her own life at risk. Her selfless sacrifice is seen as a testament to the value of family and the importance of protecting the vulnerable.
6) She was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2004
St. Gianna is the patron saint of mothers, physicians, and unborn children. Her feast day is April 28th.

Here is a prayer for the intercession of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla:
God, our Father, we praise You and we bless You because in Saint Gianna Beretta Molla You have given and made known to us a woman who witnessed the Gospel as a young person and bride, as a mother and doctor.
We thank You because, through the gift of her life, we learn to accept and honor every human being.
Lord Jesus, You were for her a privileged reference. She was able to see You in the beauty of nature. As she questioned her choice of life, she was searching for You and for the best way to serve You. Through her married love, she became a sign of Your love for the Church and for all men and women. Like You, Good Samaritan, she stopped at the side of every sick person, of the small and the weak. Following Your example, she lovingly offered up her life, while giving new life.
Holy Spirit, source of all perfection, give also to us wisdom, intelligence and courage so that, following Saint Gianna’s example and through her intercession we may serve every person in our personal, family and professional life, and thus grow in love and holiness. Amen.
*With ecclesiastical approval – + Angelo Mascheroni, Auxiliary Bishop of Milan
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