May is celebrated as the month dedicated to Mary. Many parishes will ask their children to participate in a May Crowning, in which one student will be selected to place a crown of flowers atop the Blessed Virgin’s head, crowning her the Queen of the May.
Besides knowing that Mary is the mother of Jesus and their participation in a May Crowning, what else do our children know about Mary? There are some excellent children books out there about Mary.
Why not consider sharing one with the child in your life this May?
1) Mary, Mother of Jesus by Alison Wisenfeld and Mary Joslin

This children’s book begins with the basics and the foundation of knowing Mary—through the stories of the gospels. This book will help the Mary jump of the pages of scriptures and into the heart of your child.
Available in hardcover ($15.95) Also available from Amazon ($14.99.)
2) All Souls to Heaven: A Catholic Family’s Complete Guide to the Rosary by Tom Wall

The author of Gifts from Our Father: A Catholic Prayer Book for Kids and Light for the World: A Catholic Kid’s Guide to Advent and Christmas, now brings us a book for children on the rosary, All Souls to Heaven. This book not only teaches children about the rosary, but at the same time it teaches their parents.
For several decades, the rosary fell out of favor among the laity, and many people never were taught about the rosary or even how to say it. With fun illustrations and simple explanations, this book will help all souls realize that the rosary is more than just Our Fathers and Hail Marys, but that it is a timeless treasure. Learn the story behind the rosary mysteries and meet saints who loved the rosary in this children’s book.
Available in softcover ($10.00).
3) The Virgin Mary Around the World! A Pilgrimage of Faith by Chantal Baros

I know a family whose child’s favorite book is this board book. The book shares about different titles of Mary in a rhyme format. What a wonderful way to introduce our young people to the many titles of Mary and how she loves all her children throughout the world.
Available as a board book, ($9.95).
4) Lucia and the Immaculate Heart by Angela Andrejczuk

The Church throughout the world is currently celebrating the 100th anniversary of Mary’s apparitions in Fatima, Portugal.
In a children’s book like I’ve never seen before on Fatima, Angela Andrejczuk goes beyond the story of the six apparitions, by sharing the story of Mary and Jesus’ appearances to Sister Lucia while in the convent. Additionally, she gives an excellent teaching about the lives of Francisco and Jacinta, the other two visionaries. If you want your child to know the Fatima story in its entirety, this is the book to share.
Available in hardcover ($14.95).
5) The Story of Sister Adele and Mary’s Apparition in Wisconsin by Fr. Edward Looney

Did you know the Blessed Mother appeared in the United States in 1859 to 28 year old immigrant named Adele Brise and entrusted to her a special message? Did you know the local bishop approved this apparition in 2010?
The story of Mary’s apparition and the years that follow with the Miracle of the Fire is a wonderful story of American history that can be shared with our children. Mary appeared in Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima, but she has appeared in our back yard. As a family learn The Story of Sister Adele and consider making a pilgrimage to Champion, Wisconsin and visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help.
Available in hardcover ($14.95) and softcover ($9.95).
[See also: 6 Beautiful Quotes on Mary You Won’t Believe Are From Martin Luther]
[See also: Have You Ever Heard Elvis Presley Sing the “Hail Mary”?]