4D Baby Ultrasound Broadcast Live from New York City's Time Square - Watch it Here!

4D Baby Ultrasound Broadcast Live from New York City's Time Square - Watch it Here!
YouTube / ChurchPOP

This is so beautiful! 😍

Yesterday from Times Square, Focus on the Family sponsored “Alive from New York” a pro-life event celebrating the sanctity of life. During the celebration, a doctor broadcasted a 4D ultrasound of Abby Johnson’s unborn baby.

The event responds to New York’s legalization of full term abortions. CBN reported that thousands of pro-lifers packed Times Square. They also said it is the largest pro-life event ever seen in the popular location.

Focus on the Family tweeted a video of the Times Square ultrasound. The video depicts 4D and 2D ultrasounds of Johnson’s unborn baby, and sounds the child’s heartbeat.

Here’s the ultrasound from Times Square:

Click here if you cannot see the video above. 

The full tweet reads, “The beautiful, sacred moment when tens of thousands of people in Times Square and around the world watched and listened as a live ultrasound was performed … and then found out it was
@AbbyJohnson’s precious little one whose heartbeat made us all cry.


Abby Johnson later posted a photo of her family watching the ultrasound! 

Here’s the photo below:

@prolifeabbyjohnson, Twitter

Johnson’s Instagram post reads, “My hubby and some of our kids watching their baby brother or sister on an ultrasound in Times Square! Thank you to @focusonthefamily for allowing the world to see that dignity and humanity of the person begins in the womb! I hope you all got to see our little one!”

What an incredible witness! I hope lawmakers took notice of this monumental event!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, please pray for an end to abortion!

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[See also: “You Kill Them Now or You Kill Them Later,” State Rep. Says of “Unwanted” Children Amid Abortion Debate in Alabama]