4 Things Vocation Directors Want College Students to Know About Loan Debt & Discernment

Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Here’s what vocation directors want college students to know about discerning their vocation while amassing college debt.

Canon Law requires that anyone entering religious life must be free from financial debts. According to a recent study, 80 percent of people formally applying for religious life have some amount of student loan debt.

Upon speaking with ChurchPOP, Sister Amy Marie Havlat, vocation director for the Marian Sisters, and Father Brandon Dang, former Vocation Director for the Diocese of Orange, delivered joyful news about how the Labouré Society helped their discerning men and women overcome issues with college debt.

Here are four things vocation directors want you to know:

1) There are resources out there to help!

Both Father Dang and Sister Amy Marie testified to the remarkable ways the Labouré Society helped their discerners find the means to completely pay off their student loan debt.

To date, the Labouré Society, which is an organization that helps men and women overcome financial obstacles in the religious discernment process, has helped to alleviate over $10 million worth of loan debt for their aspirants. Through formation and mentorship, discerners who work with the Labouré Society receive not only financial support but also lifelong skills.

2) It's more than financial formation.

Sister Amy Marie shared that at the Labouré Society, “They see the bigger picture beyond just trying to get rid of debt.”

She told ChurchPOP about how the formation her discerners received has greatly helped the Marian Sisters share their charism with people all around the world.

“They see this bigger picture of building up the Kingdom of God through the sharing of these discernment stories [and] the vocation stories [of] the young men and women who go through the program,” she said.

While the financial aspect and fundraising support are a major part of the Labouré Society, Sister Amy Marie believes they bear a greater fruit in the expansion of God’s Kingdom. 

3)  You are not a burden to your diocese/religious order.

The financial burden will always be an aspect while dealing with student loan debt, but when it comes to discerning, many fear bringing this debt to the vocations office will place the burden on the undeserving shoulders of the Church. Father Dang says this does not need to be a worry!

He knows and fears that “there are many people who are discerning, and because of [their debt]..., they don't even come to the door at the vocation's office.”

“The evil one works in these little ways to deter you from discerning that authentic vocation,” he shared.

He added that Satan will lie to you saying, “You're not going to get it paid off, or the debt is way too much. It's going to be a burden on the diocese, or you're going to be indebted to a person!”

Ultimately, both Father Dang and Sister Amy Marie explained that through the Labouré Society, you receive authentic mentorship that makes it as though these burdens are non-existent.

4) Be not afraid!

Being in college and discerning religious life simultaneously can be a daunting reality. Vocation directors want you to persist and “be not afraid!”

Referring to the disciples in the boat afraid of the surrounding storms, Father Dang said, “One of those storms could be for many discerners, student loan debt.”

Regardless, he asks that discerners take the words of Pope John Paul II and “be not afraid!”

Sister Amy Marie encouraged students who may have debt saying, “There are people who want to support vocations, and they're just waiting for the opportunity – and that comes first with you being able to share your story.”

Ultimately, these vocation directors want you to know that amassing college debt is not the end of your discernment story. There are ways for you to overcome this financial burden and find God’s authentic calling for your life.

Be sure to start by checking out the Labouré Society!

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