Why does the devil fear a humble woman more than anything else?

In this episode of "The Catholic Gentleman," John Heinen, Sam Guzman, and Devin Schadt discuss four powerful reasons Satan trembles before the Blessed Virgin Mary!

1. Mary's Humility Humiliates Satan

Mary's humility is the opposite of Satan's pride. Her total submission to God's will renders his arrogance powerless.

"God has given Mary such great power over the evil spirits," Heinen explains, "that they admit they fear one of her pleadings for a soul more than the prayers of all the saints."

When we embrace Mary's humility, we share in her victory over Satan.

2. Mary is the Queen of Angels

Mary has authority over all angelic beings, including those fallen.

"Those who chose to follow God knew that when Our Lady came along and was elevated above them, they would be at her service," Heinen says.

Satan, who prides himself on his former angelic status, is tormented by Mary's exalted place in Heaven.

3. Mary’s Impact on Salvation

Mary reminds Satan that his rebellion will never overcome the divine mission she fulfilled.

"She is the foretaste of deified creation, of creation restored to union with God," Guzman says.

From her Immaculate Conception to her role as the Mother of God, Mary is at the heart of God’s plan to defeat Satan. 

4. Mary Exalts the Lowly

Mary’s song of praise, "The Magnificat," declares that God "has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree."

This stark contrast infuriates Satan, who is obsessed with power and self-glorification.

“At the Heart of Mary in 'The Magnificat,' we see why she's so different than Satan,” Schadt explains. “Her glory and her manifestation are directed toward God and not herself.”

The gentlemen say that a deeper relationship with Mary will help you stand strong against Satan! 

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Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee! 🙏

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