3 Truths About Hell Every Catholic Needs To Hear

what hell is
An angel leading a soul into Hell / Follower of Hieronymus BoschCC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Are we ignoring the truths about eternal separation from God?

In this episode of "The Catholic Gentleman," John Heinen and Devin Schadt discuss something many Catholics avoid: Hell.

Drawing from Scripture and teachings of saints, they reveal sobering truths about its seven torments. Here’s what you need to know, and what you can do about it:

Hell is real, and Scripture confirms it.

Jesus didn’t speak of Hell once or twice—He warned of its reality 15 times in the Gospels.

“As sure as we are of the existence of God, we are of the existence of Hell,” Heinen says.

Hell isn’t just a metaphorical threat, but eternal separation from God. Our Lady of Fatima’s vision of Hell shows us the loss of God—our ultimate good—is the most profound torment of all.

“The mere sight of God instantly makes a person blessed and happy,” he shares from Saint Robert Bellarmine. Hell is the absence of that joy forever.

Hell is about self-love gone wrong.

In Hell, self-love becomes your eternal torment. Schadt explains, “The gravity of disordered self-love weighs us down, you are stuck as a burning ember of self-hatred because you loved yourself so much.”

The antidote? Embrace humility, die to yourself, and choose love for God and neighbor. By rejecting selfishness now, you prepare your soul for eternal communion.

Our everyday choices matter.

What you do—or fail to do—today has eternal consequences. John points out this warning in Revelation for “the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars.”

Your daily habits determine whether you choose the narrow or wide road that leads to destruction.

Schadt suggests starting by examining your conscience and turning away from vice. “What is it that you struggle with?” he asks. “Find it, confess it, and take one small step this week toward holiness.”

The gentlemen say every person of goodwill should be aware of these torments to inspire a deeper commitment to holiness and truth!

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