3 Powerful Ways Catholics Can Reclaim Halloween as a Holy Holiday

Is Halloween a trick or a treat for Catholics?
In this episode of "The Catholic Gentleman," John Heinen, Sam Guzman, and Devin Schadt discuss the Catholic origins of Halloween and Hallowtide. They share three powerful ways we can reclaim these days with our families and neighbors!
1. Costumes and Celebrations to Embrace the Saints
Turn Halloween into a celebration of holiness by dressing up as saints and hosting All Saints' Day parties.
"Redeem the day: let your kids go trick-or-treating, let your kids dress up, but try to do it in a way that is going to bring glory to God," Schadt suggests.
This teaches children about the heroes of our faith and keeps the day’s emphasis on virtue.
2. Pray for the Souls of the Departed at Cemeteries
From November 1 to November 8, Catholics can obtain a plenary indulgence for the faithful departed by visiting a cemetery and praying.
"Pick one day and go to a cemetery with yourself or with your family and pray for the souls of the dead," Heinen encourages.
This is a great way to honor our loved ones and connect with the Communion of Saints.
3. Attend Mass and Receive the Sacraments
Begin your Hallowtide by going to confession and Mass.
Guzman says we need to “set the tone by saying, 'First things first, we're going to worship God, we're going to honor the holy, we're going to pray for the dead,' but then after Mass, you have fun."
This makes for a faith-filled celebration that avoids the modern occult practices that distract us from the true meaning of Halloween.
The gentlemen say adopting these practices will help Catholics rediscover Halloween's holy roots this year!