Wow! What an amazing story!
Dominican priest Fr. Patrick Hyde revealed a powerful story about anointing a dying COVID-19 patient. He wrote, “This is the power of the sacraments and why I’m a priest.”
As of this writing, the viral tweet generated more than 160 comments, almost 1,000 retweets, and 7,000 likes.
Here’s his story below:

His full post reads, “Yesterday, I anointed someone dying from COVID19. / His sheer joy when he recognized my voice was one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences of faith in my life. / ‘Father, I’m so glad you’re here. Now I can go in peace.’
This is the power of the Sacraments and why I’m a priest.”
Wow. How beautifully moving! 😭😭😭
Many social media users expressed their sincere gratitude for the priest’s administration of the sacraments.
Here’s what some people said about Fr. Patrick’s experience:

Sr. Theresa Aletheia of the Daughters of St. Paul said, “I’m so glad you could be there. May this man rest in peace.”

This user also wrote, “My favorite COVID-related tweet ever. Last rites are so important and so few COVID patients are given this opportunity. Thank you for your service to God and His people!”

Another user said, “Can’t agree more. My father passed Feb 13. His pastor came in and the look on my father’s face was priceless. To see his priest come brought great joy during a difficult time. To all priests – Thank You!”

This user prayed, “Eternal rest grant onto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. / God bless you, Father! 🙏🏻”

This user also said, “Thank God you were able to be by his side, Father. I’ve been thinking and praying for all the souls who weren’t so fortunate and had to die alone. Not to mention the pain of their families who can’t have a proper funeral for them. 🙏”

Another user added, “What a great gift your priesthood is your people.”

This user also said, “Fr. Patrick, I believe God is using you to accomplish His saving works on earth. May God bless you more abundantly Padre Patrick.”
Please pray for our priests!
[See also: Relic of the Holy Thorn Changes Color Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Italian Bishop Announces]
[See also: I Aided a Deathbed Conversion: The Soul-Saving Power of Last Rites]