This is so heartbreaking!
In a previous ChurchPOP article, we reported that Milano said her life “would be completely lacking all its great joys” had she kept her two aborted children.
In a stirring depiction, cartoon artist Pat Cross shows how Alyssa Milano’s aborted babies feel about this lack of joy.
Here’s the cartoon below:

One of the babies reads a newspaper with the headline, “Alyssa Milano Defends Her Abortions.” This baby says, “Mom said her life would lack joy if she hadn’t killed us.”
The other baby responds, “We just need to keep praying for her.”
How heartbreaking! 😭😭😭
Let us pray for Alyssa Milano! Our Lady, please change her heart!
[See also: Alyssa Milano Denounces Catholic Faith After Revealing She Had 2 Abortions]
[See also: Alyssa Milano’s Call For Abortion Stories Provokes Astonishing Pro-Life Testimonies]