Is Batman – perhaps the greatest comic book superhero ever – a Catholic?
It’s very much a possibility. Most experts agree Batman is either Catholic or Episcopalian.
It’s hard to determine with certainty which one he is, though, for two reasons: (1) The comic books never say explicitly what Batman’s religion is; and (2) Catholicism and Episcopalianism looked very similar in their trappings in the mid-20th century when the Batman character was created.
We’ll lay out a few pieces of evidence, and you can decide for yourself!
1) He’s the protector of the Holy Grail

In the 1999 graphic novel Batman: The Chalice, it is revealed that Batman’s family has been the special keepers of the Holy Grail for centuries, and that it is now his job to protect it.
While holding the sacred chalice that Christ used at the Last Supper, the Caped Crusader says, “To think that Jesus Christ himself held this in his hand.”
2) He was ordained a priest (maybe)

According to the 1991 graphic novel Batman: Holy Terror (considered non-canon), Bruce Wayne was ordained a priest at some point in his life before becoming Batman. Unfortunately, it doesn’t say what church for whom he was a priest.
3) He prayed before going to bed as a kid

4) The grave markers for his parents – and for himself in the future – have traditional crosses

5) He talks about prayer and his unworthiness before God

Batman is working to defuse a bomb in the few seconds he has until it’s supposed to explode. And here’s what he says: “If I had the time or the right — I’d say a prayer.”
This tell us at least two things. First, prayer is something he does or would consider doing. Second, his statement “if I had the… right” could be interpreted as a statement of humility before God.
6) He uses sacramental imagery in his speech

In the 1986 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (considered non-canon), Batman is returning to crimefighting after a 10 year hiatus, and he uses sacramental imagery to describe how he’s feeling: “This should be agony. I should be a mass of aching muscle – broken, spent, unable to move. And were I an older man, I surely would… But I’m a man of thirty – of twenty again. The rain on my chest is a baptism – I’m born again…”
7) The Bat Cave is said to be “silent as a church”

There’s more evidence, but these are some of the main points.
So what do you think, is Batman Catholic? Let us know in the comments!
[See also: The Little-Known Story of John Wayne’s Deathbed Conversion to Catholicism]
[See also: The Miracle that Led “Obi-Wan Kenobi” to Convert to Catholicism]